RT @Quelwys@twitter.activitypub.actor
Este atentado contra la democracia del régimen ilegítimo de Nicolás Maduro, esto debe ser condenado por todos los estados comprometidos con la vigencia del Estado de Derecho y los Derechos Humano #VenezuelaLibre #NarcoDictadura
#NarcoDictadura #VenezuelaLibre
RT @sashagladio@twitter.activitypub.actor
Paramilitaries and 'colectivos' sponsored by the #maduro regime, tried to occupy and usurp our legislators in the National Assembly: one of our legislators requested their 'official credentials'- which none of them had (of course).
#VenezuelaLibre https://twitter.com/isonmayu/status/1214621246350069760
RT @victorsojo@twitter.activitypub.actor
This is what “#democracy” looks like when you allow a bunch of #authoritarians get away with anything. Voters’ complacency and government corruption are cancers. #Venezuela #VenezuelaLibre https://twitter.com/thomasvlinge/status/1213892807888379904
#VenezuelaLibre #venezuela #authoritarians #democracy
RT @RepDMP@twitter.activitypub.actor
Once again, the cruel Maduro regime is stifling democracy and freedom in Venezuela—using force to prevent a democratically elected leader from doing his job. This is unacceptable and I will continue to do everything in my power to help the Venezuelan people. #VenezuelaLibre https://twitter.com/vpitv/status/1213889907871100933
RT @DiversaEtica@twitter.activitypub.actor
I deputati appoggiati dal popolo rientrano nella sede del Congresso https://twitter.com/presidencia_ve/status/1214567693417795585