RT @Nereide
Spectacular timelapse of comet C/2020 F3 (NEOWISE) with noctilucent clouds, dating back to July 2020.
It is a long period comet discovered on March 27, 2020, during the NEOWISE mission of the WISE space telescope.
#VentagliDiParole #scritturebrevi
RT @Nereide@twitter.com
Malaspina Glacier in southeastern Alaska on the move.
This animation was composed from a sequence of false-color images acquired btwn 1986 and 2003 by the Landsat 5 and 7 satellites.
The moving ice appears in⤵️
#VentagliDiParole #scritturebrevi
RT @Nereide@twitter.com
3 million dollars, for her discovery of radio pulsars.
She donated all of the money "to fund women, under-represented ethnic minority and refugee students to become physics researchers"
#VentagliDiParole #scritturebrevi
RT @Nereide@twitter.com
In 1967, S. J. Bell Burnell celebrated her 24th birthday by discovering the 1st pulsar: she was working on her PhD at the University of Cambridge.
In 2018, she was awarded the Special Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics, worth⬇️
#VentagliDiParole #scritturebrevi
RT @Nereide@twitter.com
The first grainy image of the moon’s far side was captured by Luna 3 probe in 1959, and transmitted to Earth.
Since 2009, thanks to the observations of Nasa's LRO, our view of the moon has greatly improved.
#scritturebrevi #VentagliDiParole #space
RT @UnmondodilibriC
Il più antico documento musicale completo di testo e musica dell'Antica Grecia.
"Finché vivi mostrati al mondo, non affliggerti per nulla: la vita dura poco. Il tempo esige il suo tributo."
Epitaffio di Sicilo III-II a.C.
#CanzoniEPoesie #VentagliDiParole
#VentagliDiParole #CanzoniEPoesie
RT @UnmondodilibriC
"Perché alle donne viene sempre chiesto di sorridere? Se un uomo non lo fa lo si percepisce come solenne, una persona seria, nessuno pensa che sia triste."
Queen Elizabeth II
#DiRegniERegine #VentagliDiParole
#VentagliDiParole #DiRegniERegine
RT @zanzibardy
Come scegliere la propria saggezza senza aver frequentato le altre?
#VentagliDiParole #LaGiustaProspettiva #PicoDellaMirandola