Aurélien Marty · @aurelienmarty
82 followers · 295 posts · Server

@franceinter Le code a changé
Debrief et résumé de ce matin et : en gros rien de nouveau sous le soleil Ce qui m'a frappé c'est de voir a quel point la Silicon Halley imprime sa marque sur le monde par ses codes. Cette idée paradoxale d'exprimer sa différence, sa singularité via des formats très codifiés et des règles clairement énoncés. Tous unique donc tous pareil ! 1/2

#siliconvalley #sociologie #technosolutionnisme #VentureCapitalist #ideologie

Last updated 1 year ago

tkteo · @tkteo
43 followers · 1372 posts · Server

"The seizure of Silicon Valley Bank by regulators Friday morning shows how brittle financial institutions can be in the digital age. The downfall of the Valley institution, which has been called “the backbone of the startup economy,” was caused by a good old-fashioned bank run, but one that ran at internet speed.

The run began on Thursday, when a powerful Silicon Valley VC—Peter Thiel’s Founders Fund—began advising its portfolio companies to withdraw their money from SVB. Other VCs soon caught wind of the advisory and began advising their own portfolio companies to withdraw funds from SVB. As the withdrawals accelerated, the bank began taking steps to stem the tide and preserve its solvency—just like George Bailey did in the 1946 classic It’s a Wonderful Life.

SVB Financial Group CEO Greg Becker seemed to be reading from director Frank Capra’s script when he uttered the fateful words “stay calm” during a Thursday conference call with customers, as fears over the bank’s solvency grew. Those words probably only increased depositors’ anxieties. And the withdrawals likely continued to snowball.

#digital #startup #money #economy #bank #bankruptcy #vc #venturecapital #VentureCapitalist #banking #siliconvalley #svb

Last updated 1 year ago

David Sugar · @tychosoft
334 followers · 4348 posts · Server

Because the mind-set disfavors remote work, and because the prince insisted we run engineering like a scif, we had to hire people both desperate and cheap enough to travel across country to be poorly paid for a 3 to 6 month contract. They didn't all come from prisons, but in there are recruiting firms that specialize in such labor abuse.

#sv #VentureCapitalist #naturalminds #siliconvalley

Last updated 1 year ago

Druce · @druce
107 followers · 47 posts · Server

Come watch Jon Duren and me in our new video series called Startup Lantern. It’s a show that gives tips to budding tech entrepreneurs, and the first episode is titled “The Three P’s of VCs”

#vc #venturecapital #VentureCapitalist #cybersecurity #startups

Last updated 2 years ago

Esoter1k 🪄 · @esoter1k
10 followers · 449 posts · Server

Algorithms... especially the ones that extract information & exploit the privacy of the users should be legally ban on all . Enough is enough! There's blood on the hands of and Social Media Companies.

If we could save our sanity and what's left of our Democracy... 😤

#socialmedias #VentureCapitalist #algorithmsshouldbebanned

Last updated 2 years ago

Esoter1k 🪄 · @esoter1k
10 followers · 570 posts · Server

Algorithms... especially the ones that extract information & exploit the privacy of the users should be legally ban on all . Enough is enough! There's blood on the hands of and Social Media Companies.

If we could save our sanity and what's left of our Democracy... 😤

#socialmedias #VentureCapitalist #algorithmsshouldbebanned

Last updated 2 years ago

Cryptocurrency News Worldwide · @CryptoBot
1257 followers · 64432 posts · Server
Soh Kam Yung · @sohkamyung
556 followers · 11287 posts · Server

Are we doomed? ;-)
"Our goal, as Cthulhu, is to support initiatives designed to rise from the dark depths of R’lyeh (metaphorically speaking!) and end up destroying or at least disrupting, some market paradigm."

Via Hacker News [ ]

#cthulhu #VentureCapitalist

Last updated 5 years ago