Ruth Mottram · @Ruth_Mottram
2033 followers · 1636 posts · Server

One has heating but no water, the other has but no heating. Neither has electricity. But both are sitting in a cafe in central with , and , cheerfully assuring us that it will be over by next Summer and it's time to plan next season's and how can contribute to meeting @OceanIceEU goals?

I think I have just seen what used to be called

#VernadskyStation #blitzspirit #science #Ukraine #fieldwork #internet #electricity #heating #kyiv #water

Last updated 2 years ago

Ruth Mottram · @Ruth_Mottram
1525 followers · 1055 posts · Server

A lateish entry for and possibly slightly cheating ...
The theme for the day is . Not having much time I'm posting a image processed using showing the Ukrainian national research station...

#science #Antarctic #VernadskyStation #Snapplanet #Sentinel2satellite #Ukraine #30DayMapChallenge

Last updated 2 years ago