The #verticalfarming bubble is finally popping
@ty_406 I saw Bruce Bugbee present on efficiency of different plants in CEA conditions. Really hard to beat direct sunlight.
source for slide:
#VerticalFarming #CEA #agriculture #agTECH #led
"Zero Carbon Farms grows herbs and salads in Clapham, south London, a densely populated area with no room for conventional agriculture. But 30 metres below ground there is a kilometre of tunnels, and technology has made farming here a reality."
#VerticalFarming #Farming #ZeroCarbon
#zerocarbon #farming #VerticalFarming
Dutch vertical farming company hopes to greatly increase grain yields.
#netherlands #verticalfarming #agriculture #verticulture #wheat
Increased wheat product:
#wheat #verticulture #agriculture #VerticalFarming #netherlands
“We have zero pesticides, zero herbicides, we are spray free. It's as clean as you can possibly get without organic certification...
Any controlled agricultural environment is going to be using energy as an input cost, and probably the highest cost.'”
#GrantLeach, CEO, #26Seasons
#GrantLeach #26Seasons #VerticalFarming #FutureOfFood #IndoorGrowing
"If you walk into a grocery store in Dubai, the spinach on the shelves will probably be from Europe—or even from as far away as the United States. Because of limited arable land and water, the United Arab Emirates imports about 90% of its food. But inside a warehouse-like building near the Dubai airport, a new vertical farm is now beginning to grow more than 2 million pounds of local leafy greens per year."
#Dubai #VerticalFarm #VerticalFarming #UAE #Farming #Food
#Food #farming #Uae #VerticalFarming #VerticalFarm #dubai