#JoeBiden #DeclareClimateEmergency #OccupyBiden #SunriseDelaware #ThirdActVirginia #BXEAction #DSAWilmington #DSAPhilly #VeteransForPeace #WiilmingtonDE #NewYearsEve2022 #LeadWithLove
#joebiden #declareclimateemergency #occupybiden #sunrisedelaware #thirdactvirginia #bxeaction #dsawilmington #dsaphilly #VeteransForPeace #wiilmingtonde #newyearseve2022 #leadwithlove
#introduction I'm a US Air Force veteran, US Air Force Academy Graduate, and have a strange career path: Programmer, biochemist, propellant/nerve agent/coatings chemist, embedded/sw/security engineer. I've started companies in my past, but no real wins yet. I was the organizer of DC505 and ABQpy, and am a member of #VeteransForPeace.
My interests are #InfoSec #AppSec #skiing #cycling #triathlon #RockClimbing #sailing #photography #videography #adhd #NewZealand #peace
#introduction #VeteransForPeace #infosec #appsec #skiing #cycling #triathlon #rockclimbing #sailing #photography #videography #adhd #newzealand #peace
In this watchtower at a nonviolent direct action over looking the UN to demand military emissions are reported. Nov 14 2022. #ClimateCrisis #NVDA #COP27 #StopWarSaveClimate #NoWarNoWarming #FuckWar #VeteransForPeace
#ClimateCrisis #nvda #cop27 #StopWarSaveClimate #NoWarNoWarming #fuckWar #VeteransForPeace
#NoWarNoWarming. at the.us state department with #VeteransForPeace on #armisticeday
#NoWarNoWarming #VeteransForPeace #armisticeday
Armistice Day.
“It is befitting for the dead of war or conflict to be remembered but never in a way that glorifies or glamourises armed action, which is, simply put violence. In the 21st century war is not the solution to the problems humanity faces. By all means remember the dead, but support all those who survived and yet live.” Glenn Bradley
#remembrance #ArmisticeDay #VeteransForPeace
All power to #VeteransForPeace Ken & Tarak as they go to Dublin Circuit Criminal Court Court today. On trial for a heroic act of resistance to presence of US war machine in Shannon Airport... Solidarity & support! Voices for peace will not be silenced.
RT @PANAIreland: Two US anti-war activists Ken Mayers (85) and Tarak Kauff (80) are facing trial shortly for heroically resisting US military use of Shan…
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/ClareDalyMEP/status/1518516570946953216
#VeteransForPeace #USMilitaryOutOfShannon