🔴Tune in LIVE as Ambassador @OlofBSkoog speaks on behalf of the European Union on the #DPRK’s weapons tests.
RT @irishmissionun: This morning the General Assembly meets for the 1st time under the #VetoInitiative to discuss vetoes cast in the #UNSC on DPRK Non-Proliferation on 26 May.
This is an important moment for accountability. The #GeneralAssembly is empowered to speak where UNSC was…
#DPRK #VetoInitiative #unsc #GeneralAssembly
The veto should not prevent #UN action
Russia & China recently vetoed a resolution in the Security Council to tighten sanctions against #DPRK over ballistic missile launches
Thanks to the #VetoInitiative, #UNGA today debates DPRK’s repeated violations of #UNSC resolutions #dkpol
#UN #DPRK #VetoInitiative #UNGA #unsc #dkpol
RT @MaurinPicard@twitter.com
Ca vous paraîtra anecdotique mais pour l'ONU c'est historique. Le petit Liechtenstein a fait adopter par consensus sa #VetoInitiative à l'Assemblée générale des Nations Unies: chaque fois qu'un veto est dégainé au Conseil de sécurité, le pays incriminé devra se justifier à l'AG.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/MaurinPicard/status/1518965673845743616
RT @dfatirl: Minister Coveney welcomes the success of the #VetoInitiative in the @UN General Assembly 🇺🇳
Now when a veto is cast in the #UNSC, the UNGA will automatically meet on the issue🤝This holds countries with a veto to account
🇮🇪 has been at the forefront of driving this initiative
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/simoncoveney/status/1518996355326386176