@b9AcE and yes, "legitimizing principles" is a big Problem.
The West normalized interventions for profit, do the rest does that too.
The "P.R." #China doesn't do genocide against the Uygurs but does a "War on Terror" according to their propanda outlets.
#WhatYouAllowIsWhatWillContinue applies espechally in international law.
#VetoPowers were the crucial mistake of the #UN!
#un #Vetopowers #whatyouallowiswhatwillcontinue #China
@bloor that would require dissolving the #UN or at least abolishing #VetoPowers....
Similarly, the #UN isn't #dysfunctional because #VetoPowers were an #accident, but they're an intentional designed-in feature!!!
#accident #Vetopowers #dysfunctional #un
@AnarchoNinaWrites I think #Clusterbombs - like #AntipersonnelLandmines - are inherently bad and using them is illegal.
It's just that the #UN - #Vetopowers refuse to not do so because they won'T be held accountable...
Because that's inherently designed into the UN: It's incapabilities and inequalities!
#Vetopowers #un #antipersonnellandmines #clusterbombs
@thejapantimes the problem is that #NuclearPowers won't disarm themselves - regardless if #Vetopowers or de-facto nuclear powers...
@saint_rebel_ukraine_ #UN being powerless and dysfunctional isn't an accident, but by design.
Otherwise it would not have #VetoPowers and be more like the #LeagueOfNations...
#leagueofnations #Vetopowers #un