I just love games like #victoria3 Things can get wacky weird sometimes.
Currently, in my Vic 3 session I am playing as communist France, led by Karl Marx himself (yes, really. He moved to France and got elected). Currently together with socialist Germany, aiding the swedish communist revolution in 1899.
Opposing us, is a dictatorship USA and ironically a socialist Italy.
And there is now a huge trench warfare battle in Svealand (eastern sweden) between the french and americans.
Ahh history.
Lots of exciting #gaming stuff recently for me. I've been making steady progress with #baldursgate3 Act 3, #seaofstars releases tomorrow, and #Victoria3 patch out today. Though with my parents visit later this week, most of that will have to wait as I prioritize family time 🙂
#Victoria3 #seaofstars #baldursgate3 #Gaming
Are there gamers out there who play #grandstrategy #games?
For example #victoria3 #crusaderkings3 or #4x like #ageofwonders4
#grandstrategy #games #Victoria3 #CrusaderKings3 #4x #ageofwonders4
Heute im Programm #Victoria3
#Victoria3 #paradoxinteractive #strategy #grandstrategy #games
#games Ideen fürs #wochenende?
Ansonsten versuche ich mich mal an #ageofwonders4 oder #Victoria3 :mastosunglasses:
#games #wochenende #ageofwonders4 #Victoria3 #pcgaming #aow4
#Victoria3 hot take:
Transportation, Services, and Electricity ought to all be things that can't be sold/consumed beyond the originating province.
Until tech + construction of high voltage power lines for electricity. For services limited trade ranges that grow from postal service, railways, telegraph & phone networks.
Transportation stays being a local consumption, so you have to build it where needed.
I got an idea for #peace in #Ukraine: Can’t we just give #Putin a complementary copy of #Victoria3? He could do whatever he wants there. He could sit at his desk and make #Russia the greatest nation on earth! #problemsolved
#peace #ukraine #putin #Victoria3 #russia #problemsolved
Bonne nouvelle pour les fans de #Victoria3 : un nouveau DLC et une mise à jour gratuite sont arrivés ! C'est @veltar qui vient nous en dire plus :
Victoria 3's new DLC brings revolutionaries, reformers, and rebels next month - https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/victoria-3s-new-dlc-brings-revolutionaries-reformers-and-rebels-next-month #MultiplayerCompetitive #ParadoxInteractive #Birdview/Isometric #SinglePlayer #Simulation #Victoria3 #Strategy #PC
#pc #strategy #Victoria3 #simulation #singleplayer #birdview #paradoxinteractive #multiplayercompetitive
I was playing Victoria 3 last night and wound up accidentally fighting Russia due to a defense pact I had with a minor state. I am glad that Prussia sought fit to fight on our side just to kick Russia or the Persian republic would have been obliterated. #Victoria3
Should I get #Victoria3?
Context: I played and liked #CrusaderKings3. I never tried any #Victoria game. I’m looking for economy/building more than for military strategy right now. If it entertains me for 30-50h that’s enough. Less rather not; more is nice-to-have.
#LinuxGaming #Poll #kommapoll #paradoxinteractive #victoria #crusaderkings3 #Victoria3
@Yora I’m still learning but I’ve set it aside because I got involved in #Victoria3 and am climbing that steep learning curve now.
Gestern Abend noch schnell mein #Victoria3 Runde zu Ende gespielt, bevor der nächste große Patch kommt.
Diese Runde war einfach wild. In Europa am laufenden Band kommunistische Revolutionen undich chill oben in Skandinavien, und genieße das Schauspiel.
Aber die Krönung war ein erfolgreicher afroamerikanischer Aufstand in Amerika.
Konföderierte hassen diesen Trick! :rm_stickingouttongue:
Paradox Interactive nous claironne des nouvelles des changements à venir pour l'excellent #Victoria3. C'est l'aspect militaire du titre qui fait l'objet d'une refonte en plusieurs points.
L'article complet par ici : https://www.histogames.com/HTML/news/2023/mars/004-victoria-3-marche-au-pas-de-l-oie.php
#Victoria3 #jeuxvideo #histoire
La Prusse, réduite au rang de "puissance majeure" au lieu de "grande puissance" et dans le marché britannique. Sacrée déchéance. #victoria3
Que les joueurs du dernier titre de grande stratégie de Paradox Interactive se réjouissent puisque les développeurs de #Victoria3 nous annoncent le déploiement prochain de sa version 1.2.
L'article complet par ici : https://www.histogames.com/HTML/news/2023/fevrier/003-victoria-3-se-prepare-a-passer-en-version-1-2.php
#Victoria3 #jeuxvideo #histoire
gamering #vic3 #victoria3 #games #gaming #videogames
#vic3 #Victoria3 #games #gaming #videogames
The year is 1844 and I've enacted public health insurance in Belgium... #Victoria3