Revista Sur en el Malba. Qué lindas las revistas literarias. Todavía un reducto al margen del mercado y los seguidores. Donde todavía perdura el amor por el arte y la literatura.

#VictoriaOcampo #revistasur #revistasliterarias

Last updated 2 years ago

Skye Cleary · @Skye_Cleary
934 followers · 223 posts · Server

“A life hits the mark when it is lived towards, with and of the most fundamental of whatever events and ideas are abroad in the world at that particular moment. It is useless for you to be an admirable person if you do not live what is fundamental in your epoch. In order to achieve this, your life has to stop sliding across the world ... it must, on the contrary, sink its teeth into it."
to his friend in 1930

#ortegaygasset #VictoriaOcampo #philosophy

Last updated 2 years ago