Penny Tangey · @PennyTangey
227 followers · 167 posts · Server

With the shut-down of paper mills it feels like there is a real chance of ending native forest logging in Victoria.

I've just called the Premier's office and left a message asking for a halt to native forest logging and a just transition for workers. You can call on 03 9651 5000.

#NativeForestLogging #VicForests #DanielAndrews #VictorianForests #victorianforestalliance #vfa

Last updated 2 years ago

In Those Days · @InThoseDays
47 followers · 73 posts · Server

We talked with forest defender Felicity Law about gliders in the latest episode of In Those Days. Searching the newspaper archives in I found out gliders were called 'flying squirrels' or 'flying phalangers' in the olden days.

These days greater gliders and yellow-bellied gliders are threatened species and we need to save their habitat.

#trove #threatenedspecies #NativeForest #VictorianForests #newspaperarchives #GreaterGliders #inthosedays #historypodcast

Last updated 2 years ago

Penny Tangey · @PennyTangey
143 followers · 69 posts · Server

Another report released about why native forest logging doesn't make sense. This time it's from a right-leaning think-tank Blueprint Institute.

This AFR article about the report contains some of the best anti-native logging quotes I've ever read!

This might be my favourite: "The native logging industry is propped up by government to protect an ever-decreasing number of jobs and placate misguided pressure from vested interests."

#NativeForestLogging #VicForests #NativeForest #VictorianForests

Last updated 2 years ago

Penny Tangey · @PennyTangey
143 followers · 69 posts · Server

. I write books for young people - published by University of Queensland Press.

I've just finished a qualification in Information Management and would like to work in a public library. I love the National Library of Australia's digital archive Trove and have a podcast called In Those Days discussing newspaper articles that have a personal connection to a guest.

I try to mention the climate crisis a fair bit on social media. I'm particularly interested in the extent of fossil fuel sponsorships in Australia and how these extend social license.

I support campaigns to end native forest logging in Victoria.

I often analyse people through the prism of what netball position they play, or which BSC member they are most like. If I'm honest, I am a WD and a Mallory.

#Introduction #ClimateAction #middlegrade #kidlit #auslit #fossiladban #FossilFuelSponsorship #NativeForestLogging #VicForests #VictorianForests #Trove #GreaterGliders #NationalLibraryofAustralia #NLA #bsc #Netball

Last updated 2 years ago

Penny Tangey · @PennyTangey
143 followers · 69 posts · Server

You are supposed to have a scary costume for Halloween so I dressed as CHEP pallets used by supermarkets. The pallets are made from native Victorian forests, the habitat of endangered species. Terrifying.

#Halloween2022 #NativeForestLogging #JustTransitionNow #VictorianForests #endangeredspecies #biodiversitycrisis #CHEP

Last updated 2 years ago