hey yall!
a academic and a good friend of mine @kmatthewbennett is here! he specializes in #BritishLit and #VictorianLit as well. He's a academic, y'all! Also, he likes cats. & cool memes.
※ The "#Bellman" from the front cover of #HenryHoliday's illustration to #LewisCarroll’s "#TheHuntingOfTheSnark" (1876).
※ #FatherTime from an English School painting (by an unknown artist, ca. 1610) of "Queen Elizabeth I at old age".
+++ https://snrk.de/time/ +++
#スナーク | #スナーク狩り | #Snark | #Snarkology | #Victodon | #Victodons | #VictorianLit | #VictorianLiterature | #VictorianStudies | #Literature #Litstudies | #EnglishLit | #EnglishLiterature | #BritishLiterature | #BookIllustration
#bellman #HenryHoliday #lewiscarroll #TheHuntingOfTheSnark #fathertime #スナーク #スナーク狩り #snark #Snarkology #Victodon #victodons #VictorianLit #victorianliterature #VictorianStudies #literature #litstudies #EnglishLit #englishliterature #britishliterature #bookillustration
Let me tell you about my interests fellow Mastodons:
#supernatural (in literature)
But also
Associate closely with #Victodon but also going to make #Corellidon and #Machendon a thing.
I talk mostly about late 19th century writers that deal with the supernatural: Marie Corelli, Arthur Machen, Vernon Lee, Oscar Wilde, and Lafcadio Hearn.
Let's connect!
#VictorianLit #VictorianStudies #literarystudies #Literature #supernatural #decadence #aestheticism #sushi #cocktails #jrpgs #vinyl #easternart #Victodon #corellidon #machendon
More tags for #TheHuntingOfTheSnark:
#SnarkHunting #GoetzKluge #Victodon #VictorianLiterature #VictorianLit #Victorian #VictorianStudies #VictorianLiterature #Literature #Litstudies #ChildrensBooks #EnglishLit #EnglishLiterature #BritishLiterature #HiddenImage #PictorialReference #Allusion #Pareidolia #CharlesLutwidgeDodgson #CharlesDodgson #ThomasCranmer #42Articles #39Articles #Snarkology
#Snarkology #TheHuntingOfTheSnark #BritishLiterature #GoetzKluge #39Articles #42Articles #ThomasCranmer #CharlesDodgson #CharlesLutwidgeDodgson #pareidolia #allusion #pictorialreference #hiddenimage #englishliterature #EnglishLit #childrensbooks #litstudies #literature #VictorianStudies #victorian #VictorianLit #victorianliterature #Victodon #SnarkHunting
#introduction: While the focus of my @snark is on Henry Holiday's illustrations to Lewis Carroll's tragicomedy "The Hunting of the Snark" (https://snrk.de/snarkhunt), @snarkology is the place for snarkologists (e.g. those from https://snarkology.net/) for more scholarly Snark hunting.
#TheHuntingOfTheSnark #LewisCarroll #HenryHoliday #Victodon #VictorianLiterature #VictorianLit #Victorian #Literature #ChildrensBooks #Snarkology #Boojum
#introduction #TheHuntingOfTheSnark #lewiscarroll #HenryHoliday #Victodon #victorianliterature #VictorianLit #Victorian #literature #childrensbooks #Snarkology #Boojum
Time for an #introduction! I'm a #PhD candidate at the #UniversityofMinnesota, studying #biography and #victorianlit. I'm writing a #dissertation about The Life and Work of Thomas Hardy.
I also write #bookreviews and #creativenonfiction and have #published in Chicago Review of Books, Split Lip Magazine, Colorado Review, etc. I'm the managing editor at Pleiades.
Other interests: #bibliomemoir, #translation, #latinamericanliterature, #publichumanities, #books
#introduction #phd #UniversityofMinnesota #biography #VictorianLit #dissertation #bookreviews #creativenonfiction #published #bibliomemoir #translation #latinamericanliterature #PublicHumanities #Books
@kelseashanty @litstudies Strap yourself in for one of the perhaps best early novels written about the French Invasion of Fishguard in 1797. Not quite Napoleonic, but co-temporary.
Margaret Ellen James: The Fishguard invasion by the French in 1797
Publication date 1892 #C19Lit
#WelshWritingInEnglish #VictorianLit @litstudies
#VictorianLit #WelshWritingInEnglish #C19Lit
@litstudies I'm looking for 19th century novels featuring Napoleonic prisoners of war to add to my reading list. Any help appreciated!
#VictorianLit #19thcLit #Victodon #VictorianStudies #EnglishLit
#VictorianLit #19thcLit #Victodon #victorianstudies #EnglishLit