※ The "#Bellman" from the front cover of #HenryHoliday's illustration to #LewisCarroll’s "#TheHuntingOfTheSnark" (1876).
※ #FatherTime from an English School painting (by an unknown artist, ca. 1610) of "Queen Elizabeth I at old age".
+++ https://snrk.de/time/ +++
#スナーク | #スナーク狩り | #Snark | #Snarkology | #Victodon | #Victodons | #VictorianLit | #VictorianLiterature | #VictorianStudies | #Literature #Litstudies | #EnglishLit | #EnglishLiterature | #BritishLiterature | #BookIllustration
#bellman #HenryHoliday #lewiscarroll #TheHuntingOfTheSnark #fathertime #スナーク #スナーク狩り #snark #Snarkology #Victodon #victodons #VictorianLit #victorianliterature #VictorianStudies #literature #litstudies #EnglishLit #englishliterature #britishliterature #bookillustration
#CFP for the Journal Romance, Revolution, and Reform on #Feeling in the Nineteenth Century #VictorianStudies #Romanticism #AffectTheory
#CfP #feeling #VictorianStudies #romanticism #affecttheory
I'm at a loss for this juror's surname. I thought maybe "Glad" or some variation, but no luck. When this happens, I often find them in the Electoral Register since jurors were often geographically clumped near one another, but I've found no candidate for this man. #Victodon #VictorianStudies
Anyone here in #VictorianStudies or expert in #HistoryofEugenics #Eugenics I am trying to figure out the identity of J.M. who wrote the "General Introduction" to "New Tracts for the Times" a pamphlet series to which #HavelockEllis contributed with a volume titled "The Problem of Race Regeneration". The series was published by the National Council of Public Morals". Thanks for any help.
#VictorianStudies #historyofeugenics #eugenics #havelockellis
Monday, January 9th, at 6pm GMT/1pm EST, Grave Matters, a Death Studies group out of the University of Birkbeck, will be having a free talk that I am presenting in! My talk is on haunted portraits in late 19th century aesthetic literature. There will also be talks on humor in spiritualist lit and Welsh death omens.
Come if you can!
#supernaturalfiction #supernatural #literarystudies #Victodon @litstudies #VictorianStudies
#supernaturalfiction #supernatural #literarystudies #Victodon #VictorianStudies
My #introduction: I am a writer, poet, and scholar whose work focuses on place, #labor, the intersection between prose and poetics, #race, and the nineteenth-century novel. My fiction and poetry are often #surreal. I teach literature and composition at University of Maine at Augusta and at Farmington.
Header image: from George Eliot’s Romola.
#introduction #labor #race #surreal #VictorianStudies #Victodon #C19Studies
I have a broad question for anyone who studies literature in the 18th or 19th century of England and 19th century America.
What symbolism, metaphors, and/or values, do you think are contained in portraits?
I'm thinking of them as testaments to power, wealth, greatness---also grasping toward having a legacy. Likewise, they also often represent ancestry and the past.
#Victodon #VictorianStudies @litstudies #18thcentury #19thcentury
#Victodon #VictorianStudies #18thcentury #19thcentury
Best British Novels in the 19th Century (According to Me)
The Picture of Dorian Gray
Our Mutual Friend
Northanger Abbey
The Tenant of Wildfell Hall
Jude the Obscure
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
The Moonstone
The Woman in White
Vanity Fair
The Light that Failed
What are some of yours?
#19thcentury #Victodon #VictorianStudies #Literature @litstudies
#19thcentury #Victodon #VictorianStudies #Literature
I was wondering if anyone knows about any one year dissertation fellowships? I study 19th century British literature, particularly the end of the century, the Aesthetic Movement, Decadence, the Supernatural in Literature.
I know of some but there are so many with their own unique criteria in places you cannot guess.
#Victodon #VictorianStudies #academia #academicchatter @litstudies
#Victodon #VictorianStudies #academia #academicchatter
I went to a friend's choral performance and afterward there was dessert and wine. She was introducing me to people, people always introduce me like: "This is Justin, he's working on his PhD, writing a dissertation." Then come the questions and this time when I explained what I'm working on it lead to a really interesting conversation about houses being haunted. I started explaining the public/private dichotomy of the Victorians and also town/country.
#Victodon #VictorianStudies #supernatural
Book Launch: Life, Death and Consciousness in the Long Nineteenth Century #C19Studies #Romanticism #VictorianStudies #Victodon #IrishStudies https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/book-launch-life-death-and-consciousness-in-the-long-nineteenth-century-tickets-481661782357
#C19Studies #romanticism #VictorianStudies #Victodon #irishstudies
@lynncunliffe -- The Leeds Centre for #VictorianStudies (#LCVSLeeds) posted (2018-02-12) these images on Twitter, when Twitter still was not as toxic as it is now. You don't only see the usual photos of a posing Victorian couple, but also photos which the photographer made when the two tried not to laugh while getting their portraits done (1890s).
cc: @frankendodo
#Victorian #Victodon #VictorianPhotography #photography #LeedsTrinity #LeedsCentreForVictorianStudies #happy #HavingFun
#VictorianStudies #lcvsleeds #Victorian #Victodon #victorianphotography #photography #leedscentreforvictorianstudies #happy #havingfun #leedstrinity
I thought I'd post another brief introduction since I've recently moved to a new instance and my old posts do not seem to have moved with me: I work mainly on artistic movements and genres in the long #NineteenthCentury, and my focus is on frameworks, networks, reception, co-creation, and multimodality. My wider interests include storytelling, fictionality, remix culture, and interactive narratives.
#Victodon #VictorianStudies #PopularCulture #DigitalHumanities
#nineteenthCentury #Victodon #VictorianStudies #popularculture #digitalhumanities
LMA/MJ/SPC/NE 62, Box 5. Exhibit from the inquest of Mary Ann David from Feb 1889, the daughter of a silk weaver in Bethnal Green. She was found in the Regent's Canal close to her home after being reported missing several weeks before. There's the detailed description of period fashion. Also this document represents her father's attempt to defend himself against the community's scrutiny of the family's home life. #VictorianStudies
Let me tell you about my interests fellow Mastodons:
#supernatural (in literature)
But also
Associate closely with #Victodon but also going to make #Corellidon and #Machendon a thing.
I talk mostly about late 19th century writers that deal with the supernatural: Marie Corelli, Arthur Machen, Vernon Lee, Oscar Wilde, and Lafcadio Hearn.
Let's connect!
#VictorianLit #VictorianStudies #literarystudies #Literature #supernatural #decadence #aestheticism #sushi #cocktails #jrpgs #vinyl #easternart #Victodon #corellidon #machendon
"You shall not chance your life alone." Camaraderie between neighbors in 1889 South Hackney. Deposition of Miriam Wrigley. Her husband is about to shoot himself, with some indication that he may be thinking of bringing her along with him. She's spent the night across the street at Mrs. Green's. In the morning the two women venture back after having this exchange. I've always liked it. #Victorianstudies #Victodon
Would people suggest who to follow follow for discourse on Victorian Novels, the 19th Century, #Aestheticism / #Decadence and such? Also supernatural and fantastic novels?
#Victodon #VictorianStudies #victorian #Aestheticism #Decadence @litstudies #litstudies #thefantastic #supernatural
#aestheticism #decadence #Victodon #VictorianStudies #victorian #litstudies #thefantastic #supernatural
More tags for #TheHuntingOfTheSnark:
#SnarkHunting #GoetzKluge #Victodon #VictorianLiterature #VictorianLit #Victorian #VictorianStudies #VictorianLiterature #Literature #Litstudies #ChildrensBooks #EnglishLit #EnglishLiterature #BritishLiterature #HiddenImage #PictorialReference #Allusion #Pareidolia #CharlesLutwidgeDodgson #CharlesDodgson #ThomasCranmer #42Articles #39Articles #Snarkology
#Snarkology #TheHuntingOfTheSnark #BritishLiterature #GoetzKluge #39Articles #42Articles #ThomasCranmer #CharlesDodgson #CharlesLutwidgeDodgson #pareidolia #allusion #pictorialreference #hiddenimage #englishliterature #EnglishLit #childrensbooks #litstudies #literature #VictorianStudies #victorian #VictorianLit #victorianliterature #Victodon #SnarkHunting
Postmark showing off the excellent service in Victorian East London (6-7 deliveries a day). The coroner's officer in Hackney uses it to notify the coroner that he's coming over later on the same day. The original document is at LMA (ref number in image).#Victorianstudies #Victodon
Hi @wikivictorian, another of my favourite history accounts to move here #VictorianStudies #VictorianHistory @histodons
#VictorianStudies #victorianhistory