Why most tennis players struggle to make a living https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=STff_wOQHn4 #Vox #news #video
»TikTok accidentally blocked Hollywood writers strike videos while casting a QAnon net« https://www.theverge.com/2023/9/11/23868930/tiktok-wga-writers-guild-strike-blocked-qanon-conspiracy?eicker.video #Video #Shorts #TikTok #YouTube #Reels
#Reels #YouTube #TikTok #shorts #Video
Was ist eigentlich Event Storming? Heute mal ein ganz kompaktes Video in fünf Minuten!
#eventstorming #workshop #youtube #Video
I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess that the same people who #review #bombed my first #video with dislikes are the same ones doing it on video two. Exactly the same number. Just a point of #fact. Thanks for the views I guess 🤷 #YouTube
#review #bombed #Video #fact #youtube
Gujarat: Video of thief stealing tractor from showroom goes viral #Gujarat #Video #socialnewsxyz
#socialnewsxyz #Video #Gujarat
Looking at Doctors4COVIDEthics.org (d4ce.org). They released a book, about 200 pages, free to download as PDF, that discusses #COVID #mRNA #vaccines (#risk / #danger). They warn of use of mRNA vaccines in general, for any disease.
I have not yet found a reason to think this is in any way disingenuous. There are various resources, including the #pdf book, #video interviews.
You might want to have a look. It is quite accessible even if many #scientific details are discussed.
#scientific #Video #pdf #danger #risk #vaccines #mrna #COVID
No better #visual #interpretation about #fascism than this #video about the #Empire from #StarWars...really good content!
via @AntifaEnt
#visual #Interpretation #fascism #Video #empire #starwars
»VPNs, Verizon, and Instagram Reels: how students are getting around the TikTok ban« https://www.theverge.com/2023/9/9/23864469/tiktok-college-campus-ban-students-vpn-data-instagram-reels?eicker.video #Video #Shorts #TikTok #YouTube #Reels
#Reels #YouTube #TikTok #shorts #Video
Helft mir mal bitte: Wie mache ich das, wenn ich ein Video (leider auf Youtube) hierher verlinken will, so dass das auch abspielbar ist? Also nicht nur der Link da steht.
#HappyCaturday :catmoji_hearts: #Video #Fest #Olympia
#olympia #fest #Video #happycaturday
Burgemeester laat queer-activisten in elkaar slaan, wethouders weten van niets?
#Leiden #CanalPride #Politiegeweld #Video #Wethouders
#wethouders #Video #politiegeweld #canalpride #leiden
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