Explainer video production might sound difficult but with Salty Wave there's a happy ending.
Connect with me at saltywave.com.au to learn more. #visualstoryteller #videoproducer #explainervideo #saltywave
#saltywave #explainervideo #Videoproducer #visualstoryteller
Salty Wave specialises in creating high quality videos to showcase science research.
Let’s connect & collaborate!
Gabrielle Ahern
Salty Wave
#saltywave #visualstoryteller #sciencevideo #videoproducer #contentcreator #sciencestory #sciencevideo #researchlife #researchers #exploremore
#exploremore #researchers #researchlife #sciencestory #contentcreator #Videoproducer #sciencevideo #visualstoryteller #saltywave #explainervideo #promotionalvideo
Documentaries share the story behind your research and how it might impact human life, the environment, or the planet.
Connect with me to find out how I can tell your story in video.
#saltywave #visualstoryteller #contentcreation #videoproducer #sciencevideo #promovideo
Credits via #youtube
#youtube #promovideo #sciencevideo #Videoproducer #contentcreation #visualstoryteller #saltywave
Documentaries share the story behind your research and how it might impact human life, the environment, or the planet.
Connect with me to find out how I can tell your story in video.
To learn more, connect with Salty Wave® via https://www.saltywave.com.au/
#saltywave #videoproducer #contentcreator #visualstoryteller #sciencevideo #promovideo
#promovideo #sciencevideo #visualstoryteller #contentcreator #Videoproducer #saltywave
Promotional videos share the story about a scientist, institute, or university to the global community. Connect with me to find out how I can leverage the popularity of video to highlight the value your scientific knowledge represents.
Share your research with me and I will tell your story in video.
Credit Info 👉🏼 YouTube Channel >>> SaltyWaveAu
#visualstoryteller #contentcreation #saltywave #videoproducer #sciencepromo #sciencestories #science #contentcreator
#contentcreator #science #sciencestories #sciencepromo #Videoproducer #saltywave #contentcreation #visualstoryteller
New introduction post! Hi I'm Trenton and I am a #Filmmaker #VideoProducer and #Photographer from somewhat-middle-of-nowhere Colorado! I care about people, am passionate about justice issues, and love #learning new things - that is probably my favorite part of social media. I am also a fan of #tech, #videogames and #movies. You can learn more about me and find other online profiles at trentonhoshiko.com!
Most importantly: I am really sappy, so I mean it when I say "have a great day!"
#movies #videogames #tech #learning #photographer #Videoproducer #filmmaker
Du bist #Videoproducer und auf der Suche nach einer neuen Herausforderung? Die Verbraucherzentrale Schleswig-Holstein sucht im Bereich Video und Texten Verstärkung – rund um das Thema Energiewende/Energienutzung und Verbraucherthemen. #Gesucht wird ein Referent für 20 bis 30 Wochenstunden mit Arbeitsort in #Kiel. Mehr Infos zur #Bewerbung: https://t1p.de/VZSH-Videoproducer
#Videoproducer #gesucht #kiel #bewerbung