3/3/23 Trident, V_ndman, OI Organoid IoB Matrix Tech, M_sk #CHDTV #youarefreetv
Organoid human brain cells will replace #ai as BioSyn Hardware according to JHU. Meanwhile, #Vindman #grift in the Ukr planned demolition “War”. Musk says his Optimus Prime self-replicating robots will replace humans in the workforce, leading to the end of human economies...
#grift #Vindman #ai #youarefreetv #CHDTV
"I’ve spent my entire adult life in service to my country. Upheld my oath to protect & defend this nation at great personal cost. You’ve demonstrated yourself to be a purveyor of hate and division. Let history be the judge,” Vindman wrote."
#Vindman rips #Musk as ‘purveyor of hate and division’ | The Hill
Retire Lieutenant Colonel #Vindman, who served as advisor on #Ukraine in #Trump admin accuses #MTG of supporting #Russia's war on that nation. There are any number of wackos in the Christian Nationalism movement who claim #Putin as one of their own https://www.newsweek.com/vindman-accuses-pro-putin-marjorie-taylor-greene-supporting-war-ukraine-1685638
#Vindman #ukraine #trump #mtg #russia #putin
In dem veröffentlichten Protokoll zu dem Telefonat zwischen US-Präsident Donald #Trump und dem ukrainischen Präsidenten Wolodymyr #Selenskyj fehlen nach Angaben eines Zeugen wichtige Punkte. Das sagte Alexander #Vindman vor dem Kongress aus. https://www.zeit.de/politik/ausland/2019-10/us-wahlkampf-ukraine-affaere-alexander-vindman-zeugenaussage-donald-trump