After the Classic 1 and Plus, I've installed wires to tap into my video signals out of my SE/30, probably my 2nd most used Mac in my collection after my Plus. RGBtoHDMI fully functional again.
Got something new for you all to try out - DaynaPORT network emulation for your #RetroMac! Get your Mac Plus or PowerBook online and surf the information super highway like it's 1990!
#retromac #BlueSCSI #vcf #vcfwest #vintagecomputing #VintageMac
Pinball Construction Set. Both my kids (9 and 6) designed their first table based on the theme of laziness and the inability to become game over #vintagemac #macplus
Today in the lab: tearing something apart without any idea what you’re doing is not usually a good way to fix it! But let’s see if I can fix this Apple USB Keyboard that isn’t signaling correctly. #vintageapple #vintagemac
Rewatching the PowerMac G3 (Blue & White) intro, which was also when Steve Jobs tells a curious crowd why FireWire is better than SCSI.
“There. Are. No. Terminators.”
[MacWorld Expo SF 1999]
It has been a lot of years since I’ve burned a CD. #vintageapple #vintagemac
Hey nerds! Here's a reminder that MacFlim is a program you can run on ancient Macs.
It lets you play full-screen videos at decent frame rates on compact b&w macs. And it's magic.
Version 1:
Version 2, which adds sound:
MacPaint reference imagery #3.
Brush selection panel.
#mac #emulation #macpaint #retrocomputing #VintageMac
Got the midi thing working on the Mac, I got that midi interface years ago but this is the first time I test it #VintageMac #retrocomputing #vintagecomputer
Short video
#vintagecomputer #retrocomputing #VintageMac
New #BlueSCSI v2 release!
6 contributors, tons of new features and fixes, check it out and let us know how it works.
#VintageComputing #VintageMac #retrocomputing #RetroMac
#BlueSCSI #vintagecomputing #VintageMac #retrocomputing #retromac
Today’s adventures in #VintageMac is a restoration of a PowerBook G4 1.67 GHz 15” from 2003. This era of PowerBooks was known for being easily dented, so part of the restoration was hammering out dings and dents similar to removing door dings from a car, as shown in the first two pics. All in all, the last two pics show the results after restoration. Not too shabby!
Does #retrobrite work on translucent plastics? Let’s see it we can clean up the one on the left! #vintagemac #vintageapple #vintagecomputer
#vintagecomputer #VintageApple #VintageMac #retrobrite
There's a cute little utility called FolderIcon that will slap any icon onto a folder icon :D #VintageMac
The AppleVision was pretty Pro back then too.
#applevisionpro #VintageApple #VintageMac
I showed my dad that I put a "hard drive" in my dual floppy Mac SE (he picked it up for me). He was a bit blown away that you could add another hard drive by just adding a file to an SD-card that you insert in the back of the 1988 machine. I guess that we're living in the Future, ey?
#VintageMac #VintageApple #se #macintosh #bluescsi
In honor of #GlyphaVintage I've added Glypha 3! #ResEdit #VintageMac
Explore the Resource Forks at
#VintageMac #resedit #glyphavintage
D'awwww, remember the dogcow-go-round?
#dogcow #Clarus #VintageApple #VintageMac #RetroComputing #TN31
#tn31 #retrocomputing #VintageMac #VintageApple #Clarus #dogcow
Does anybody have a #LocalTalk or #EtherTalk module for a #StyleWriter 2400 that they aren't using / don't want? Either Apple or third-party would be fine. I'm sure we could come up with something to trade for it!
#VintageMac #retrocomputing #stylewriter #ethertalk #localtalk