The one conceit I made is that I did not pull Funky Mac off the Dec 1996 MacAddict edition of The Disc.
#retrocomputing #VintageMacintosh
Got the #G4 #PPC #VintageMacintosh up in the new hacklab. Pride of place on the main bench instead of its own desk this time so it should get more regular use.
#g4 #ppc #VintageMacintosh #retrocomputing
Dusting the old Cubes. I still remember the Open Firmware commands.
#macintosh #PowerMacG4 #PowerMacG4Cube #Cube #ApplePorne #VintageMacintosh #VintageMac #RetroComputing #AppleHistory
#macintosh #powermacg4 #powermacg4cube #cube #appleporne #VintageMacintosh #vintagemac #retrocomputing #applehistory
A timelapse of our LED-filled iMac G4. It’s kinda blinking so photosensitive people beware.
#iMacG4 #ApplePorn #VintageApple #iMac #VintageMacintosh #VintageMac
#imacg4 #appleporn #vintageapple #imac #VintageMacintosh #vintagemac
Installation d’un ruban de LED sur une pyramide de carton (boîte de céréales recyclée), et découpage de la carte mère pour continuer à voir le processeur Motorola PowerPC G4 par la trappe de l’ancien lecteur optique (mais faire de la place à l’intérieur pour le reste).
Nous avons ajouté un diffuseur en mousse translucide.
#ApplePorn #iMacG4 #VintageApple #VintageMacintosh #VintageMac
#appleporn #imacg4 #vintageapple #VintageMacintosh #vintagemac
Usinage d’une pièce en PVC pour la visser à la place de l’écran sur le magnifique pied chromé, et coller un chargeur MagSafe.
Je n’ai pas de photo (@ombremad ?) de la galère de plusieurs heures pour sortir les câbles du pied, puis se résoudre à l’ouvrir en ayant très peur de l’abimer, ou de perdre un œil à cause du ressort énorme qui gère l’équilibre.
#ApplePorn #iMacG4 #VintageApple #VintageMacintosh #VintageMac
#appleporn #imacg4 #vintageapple #VintageMacintosh #vintagemac
Grabbed this buy-it-now Mac Powerbook 100 from eBay UK earlier in the week for £69 as faulty. Bonged but no display, and hard drive spun up and down in listing video. Had one like this before, so reasonably confident it was fixable. Recapped the display panel, mainboard, and stripped the hard drive. Now fully working again. Also 8MB RAM. #VintageMac #VintageMacintosh
Resurrection of a battery bombed and rusty SE/30 is progressing well. Chassis was derusted a couple years ago, case was cleaned up this fall, using a partially working board until I finish the correct board for this. #VintageMacintosh #Macintosh
Ok well I got this quantum drive running after hitting it with a hammer so NOW i don't wanna turn it off until i can dump the contents just in case.
Is there any better way to dump a narrow SCSI drive than a newer-ish SCSI card and a linux box?
Anyone have a Retail MacOS 8.5 CD? Everyone I have found online is not bootable/bad rip. let me know and I can help rip/test it. #vintagemac #vintagemacintosh
Bucket list system acquired, a clean Color Classic II. I’ve been keeping my eyes open for an ‘affordable’ CC II for years, made an exception to the ‘no new systems until after the move’ for this. It arrived today undamaged. #VintageMacintosh
Some of the things I am interested in #design #mac #DIYAudio #vintageaudio #VintageMacintosh #indiemusic #alternativemusic #science #politics I’m sure there are many more.
#politics #science #alternativemusic #indiemusic #VintageMacintosh #vintageaudio #DIYAudio #mac #design