before and after #vintageTools #miterSaw #restoration #maker #stanley115 #disston
#disston #stanley115 #maker #restoration #mitersaw #VintageTools
some before and after comparisons! #miterSaw #vintageTools #restoration #maker
#maker #restoration #VintageTools #mitersaw
put everything back together. she's looking good! maybe someday I will come back to this and improve it more but for now, I'm done. I think my first tool restoration went well!
under all that rust on the saw medallion, turns out it says Disston! the etched logo on the saw didn't survive the rust removal process, so I'm happy there's branding somewhere else.
#vintageTools #miterSaw #stanley115 #hardware #maker #restoration
#restoration #maker #hardware #stanley115 #mitersaw #VintageTools
made short work of the last bit of sanding. I hit the board with a little mineral oil and it's really popping. I think I'm going to leave it like this! I could always add varnish later. #vintageTools #miterSaw #restoration
#restoration #mitersaw #VintageTools
Around mid 2018, I came across this 12" parks planer in friend's basement among all of his vintage tools. he hadn't been using it and wanted space. so I took it off his hands for a decent price ( combination of money+beer+promis of help is hauling old iron around ). when I got it, it had significant problems so it took me almost a month to tear it down and rebuild it slowly. but after that it served me well for until I had to move back to canada. at that stage, I had to take hard decisions about some of my tools due to lack of space. I sold the planer after coming back to canada and opted to go with one of the lunckbox planers as a practical choice.
Here is video of it in action planing it's first ever board after rebuild. at this stage, infeed & outfeed rollers still needed adjusting. which is why board is not moving thru the planer smoothly. Fair warning.. video contains loud powertool noises. This printer kicks up a racket when it is operating even after filling gear box with grease.
#woodworking #VintageTools #ToolRestoration
Over the years, I have had number of vintage tools entrust themselves to my care. some I nursed back to health and sent off on to their new owners, some I kept. I find that I enjoy restoring vitage tools as much as I enjoy using them.
One such toos was my delta Unisaw. baesed on serial number, it was built in 1951. a woodworker in denver area who specialized in restoring wood windows on old houses was moving and I picked it up from him. It had a laguna sliding table mounted on one side and newer 50" fence. but I got original fence as well as original left side extension wing along with it as well. I completly cleaned and lubed it, aligned it and used it for 3 years. But unfortunately had to sell it when I moved back home to Canada as there was no way I was going to be able to accomodate 2 cabinet saws in current garage. so newish 3hp cabinet saw won over 1hp unisaw. Based on serial number, it was built in 1951 in Delta/Crescent Milwaukee factory.
Incidently in the background of second photo is my 1970s Beaver 3401 gap bed lathe on which I first learnt to turn small items.
PS: No idea why I am feeling nostalgic lately but some more of my old tools may make appearence in future posts.
#woodworking #VintageTools #ToolRestoration
after a few more rounds of patching and sanding, I'm almost done with the filler. I used CA glue and sawdust (filler dust really, lol) for the shallower surface patches. I feel like this is a good time to get a little palm sander for my kit. #vintageTools #miterSaw #restoration
#restoration #mitersaw #VintageTools
My first peertube video is up. it's just a small one showing my 18" buffallo drill press in action. It has 3/4hp 3phase motor and runs on a VFD. just for size comparison, I am 5'8" and that drill press stands good solid 6" taller than me. the chuck is MT3 with 3/4" capacity and weighs in at ~2lbs or so. whole drill press is 325lbs and is 1950s vintage.
Buffallo forge co. was headquartered in Buffalo, NY since 1878. <-- This is exact drill press I own. I bought it off the gent who restored it and moved it to canada with me from colorado.
#woodworking #woodturning #penturning #VintageTools #drillPress
#woodworking #woodturning #penturning #VintageTools #drillpress
the laminated wood in this is so nice, I seemed like a shame to completely replace the cutting surface. so I said fuck it, use wood filler. keeps the marks and mileage on this piece in some form! kinda like painting the cracks in pottery with gold. #miterSaw #vintageTools #restoration
#restoration #VintageTools #mitersaw
Vintage meter I acquired. Colouring in the photo was achieved using lighting, not Photoshop. #nofilter #nofilterneeded #retro #vintage #vintagehardware #vintagetools
#nofilter #nofilterneeded #retro #vintage #vintagehardware #VintageTools
New tool acquired for the collection. This is Starrett #107 speed indicator aka tachometer.
I'm working on restoring this Stanley 115 miter saw, which I thrifted. the saw blade was verrrrrrry rusty, but a vinegar bath and lots of sanding got it off. I was very excited to find it on the shelf!
I had to take a little break from the project while I did some traveling, but I hope to finish soon.
#hardware #vintageTools #miterSaw #restoration
#restoration #mitersaw #VintageTools #hardware
Couple of years back when I finally managed to lay my hands a vintage Stanley 45 handplane, it came with an unexpected surprise. tucked in the bottom of the original box was a catalog from a kitchen cabinet company from Minnesota. Looks like Catalog is from 1898 or thereabout. Ever wonder what good kitchen cabinet cost in 1898? Wonder no more.
#woodworking #hobby #VintageTools #notinfosec
Let's thus start this morning with An Easy Promise I made.
More Halloween Photos.âī¸
#photo #photography #alt #model #makeup #texas #vintagetools
#VintageTools #texas #makeup #model #alt #photography #photo