There's a Virgin Media outage in my part of Cork. Of course this would happen - I'm working from home and this afternoon I have a call with someone I've been trying to pin down for literally weeks. I *really* don't want to have to go into the office. The toll-free number to dial in from my phone seems to work so I'll give that a try.
#VirginMediaIreland #cork #wfh
THE LEAVING OF LIVERPOOL: ITV and Virgin Media Ireland have teamed up for 'Redemption' - a six part drama about a Liverpool cop working in Dublin following a family tragedy. But is the drama starring Paula Malcolmson, Siobhan McSweeney and Moe Dunford distinctive enough?.. #redemption #police #itv #dublin #paulamalcolmson #liverpool #virginmediaireland #crime #moedunford #gardai #SiobhanMcSweeney
#redemption #Police #itv #dublin #paulamalcolmson #liverpool #VirginMediaIreland #crime #MoeDunford #Gardai #siobhanmcsweeney
Really shocking mobile optimisation on the Virgin Media website. #VirginMediaIreland #VirginMediaDown
#VirginMediaIreland #virginmediadown
The footpaths also became home to #coaxial and #fibreOptic cables laid by cable television companies like Cablelink and #NTL, ancestors of the network now owned by #VirginMediaIreland [7/8]
#coaxial #fibreOptic #ntl #VirginMediaIreland