Some hopeful news for those losing their sight to macular degeneration and glaucoma, especially the latter which is hereditary.
RT @OPENVIResearch
One more interesting research study from @Johnny_Ravo into #LEGO #Braille Bricks and people with significant #VisualImpairment:
#LegoBrailleBricks #internationalresearch #visionloss
#lego #braille #visualimpairment #legobraillebricks #internationalresearch #VisionLoss
Trial Okayed for Glaucoma Treatment Implant
A developer of treatments for #eye diseases says it received clearance from #FDA to begin a clinical trial of a sustained-release #implant therapy for #glaucoma.
#News #Science #Business #Biotechnology #ClinicalTrial #VisionLoss #OpticNerve #ProteinSignals #SustainedReleased #InvestigationalNewDrug
#eye #fda #implant #Glaucoma #News #science #business #biotechnology #ClinicalTrial #VisionLoss #opticnerve #proteinsignals #sustainedreleased #investigationalnewdrug
Very slick app! Using #AI #OpenAI #GPT4 as a βdigital visual assistantβ
"This technology will be transformative in providing people who are blind or have low vision with powerful new resources to better navigate physical environments, address everyday needs, and gain more independence.β
#BeMyEyes #visionloss #blind #lowvision
#ai #openai #gpt4 #bemyeyes #VisionLoss #blind #lowvision
Sight Denied. #Poetry. #Blindness #VisionLoss #Love #Longing #Lust
#lust #longing #love #VisionLoss #blindness #poetry
video presentation:
Auditory Neuropathy Spectrum Disorder ... in Riboflavin Transporter Deficiency
presented by Keith Massey (2017)
Inherited disorder that causes hearing loss, muscle weakness, vision loss, speech & feeding difficulties, sensory gait ataxia. Onset can be triggered by infection, surgery. Treated w/ high dose riboflavin.
#science #MedMastodon #neuroscience #neurodegeneration
#HearingLoss #VisionLoss #ataxia
#Science #MedMastodon #neuroscience #neurodegeneration #hearingloss #VisionLoss #ataxia
Oh I forgot to mention the MOST important partβ¦
600 cases of #candidaAuris
I thought, oh maybe 1 or 2, but 6-freaking-hundred!!!!!!!
#thisIsNotNormal #immunityDebt my a** #CovidDestroysImmuneSystem
CD8 cells #tcells #whatAreWeDoing #LongCovid #telomeres #WhatIsHappening
#reinfection #cancer #rsv #EndothelialDamage #strokes #heartAttacks #hearingLoss #visionLoss #etc #wearaRespirator #ElastomericRespirators #WearADamnGoodMask #TwoWayMasking works π·π·π·π·π·π·π·πππππ¬οΈπ¬οΈπ¬οΈπ¬οΈπͺπ¬οΈπͺπ¬οΈπͺπ¬οΈπͺπ¬οΈπ·π·
#candidaauris #thisisnotnormal #immunitydebt #coviddestroysimmunesystem #tcells #whatarewedoing #LongCOVID #telomeres #whatishappening #reinfection #cancer #rsv #EndothelialDamage #strokes #heartattacks #hearingloss #VisionLoss #etc #weararespirator #ElastomericRespirators #wearadamngoodmask #twowaymasking
During this time one of the weird side effects I developed was sudden adult-onset central heterochromia -- that is, my eyes changed color. So strange. (These are both me. My eyes were solid dark brown until about age 28.) The color change is permanent. My vision is back to normal.
#heterochromia #tbi #neuroscience #optometry #iih #pseudotumor #shunt #VisionLoss #CSFleak
#heterochromia #tbi #neuroscience #optometry #iih #pseudotumor #shunt #VisionLoss #CSFleak
Honest question for #accessibility / #VisionLoss / #VisualImpairment / #blind folks:
My mom has lost most of her vision due to macular degeneration, and her hearing is so-so (hearing aids help a lot).
We used to play cards a lot as a family group activity, but she can no longer see the number on the cards, even the ones with *really* large print.
#accessibility #VisionLoss #visualimpairment #blind