Liposomal Supplements are the most absorbable form of vitamins and minerals you can get. Most vitamin, mineral and nutritional supplements don't make it to their destination because your stomach acid breaks it down before most of it gets there. That is the case with most water soluble vitamins, particularly Vitamin C, Glutathione, Vitamin D and Magnesium. #liposomal #liposomes #glutathione #vitaminC #VitaminD3
#liposomal #liposomes #glutathione #VitaminC #VitaminD3
Join Dr. Kathleen Fuller for the 100th Episode of Dr. Anth Talks!
Time: 20 Jul, 9:00 AM CDT
#anthropology #archaeology #behaviour #education #gender #mentza #dranthtalks #paleoanthropology #patriarchy #vitamind3
#VitaminD3 #patriarchy #paleoanthropology #dranthtalks #Mentza #gender #Education #behaviour #archaeology #anthropology
Vitamin D & COVID19 -
Association between vitamin D supplementation and COVID-19 infection and mortality - PubMed -
The endocrine vitamin D system in the gut - ScienceDirect -
Vitamins, the gut microbiome and gastrointestinal health in humans - ScienceDirect -
Vitamin D supplementation: what's known, what to do, and what's needed - PubMed -
#countryvideo #VitaminD3
Potassium overdosing causes the same heart effects for me as zinc overdosing, vitiman d3 overdosing, palosanto overdosing, selenium overdosing & bayleaf sensitivity & low bloodsugar. That could lead to hospitalization if experiencing heart conditions or "COVID19" in my experience.
Higher Vitamin D Dose in Childhood Linked to Lower Mental Health Risk
A recent study suggests higher doses of Vitamin D3 supplementation during early childhood may reduce the risk of internalizing psychiatric symptoms in later years.
#Neuroscience #Brain #Neurology #NeurologicalDiseases #Psychiatry #PsychiatricDiseases #NeuropsychiatricDiseases #MentalHealth #VitaminD #VitaminD3 #BrainDevelopment
#BrainDevelopment #VitaminD3 #vitamind #mentalhealth #NeuropsychiatricDiseases #PsychiatricDiseases #psychiatry #NeurologicalDiseases #neurology #brain #neuroscience
Doctor's Best #Vitamin D3 5,000 IU, 360 Count, Non-GMO, Gluten-Free, Soy Free
$8.59 -30% off if you subscribe & save gets it under $6. Cancel the subscription after 1st order is delivered or check price later, may be still worth keeping discount.
Many months supply here so schedule it 5+ months out.
#vitamin #delete #deal #VitaminD3
Support healthy bones and cognitive function with liposomal Vitamin D3 and K2
#healthbenefits #supplement #vitamins #liposomal #VitaminD3 #VitaminK2 #wellness #healthyliving #strongbones #immunehealth
#immunehealth #strongbones #healthyliving #wellness #vitaminK2 #VitaminD3 #liposomal #vitamins #supplement #healthbenefits
Gosh darn it, this generous and thoughtful American who gave me #VitaminD3 in 5000IU dosage did not last three years even, he perished May 8, 2022 from kidney failure.
Vitamin D3 doesn't help against kidney failure or pancreatic cancer, but taken to sufficiency it can reduce severity and length of respiratory viruses by preventing cytokine storms in the lungs, and guard against other maladies too.
Gosh darn it, this generous and thoughtful American who gave me #VitaminD3 in 5000IU dosage did not last three years even, he perished May 8, 2022 from kidney failure.
Vitamin D3 doesn't help against kidney failure or pancreatic cancer, but taken to sufficiency it can reduce severity and length of respiratory viruses by preventing cytokine storms in the lungs.
@gemlog I am happy to read you take Vitamin D3 year round. The Arctic fish you luck into eating helps too.
Maybe it's my instance filter and lack of attention but I don't see much discussion of or recommendations for #VitaminD3 in the fediverse.
I sleep better at night knowing my luvies aging along with me supplement according to scientific research study findings.
Amazon Elements Vitamin D3, 5000 IU, 180 Softgels $8.85
#deal #delete #VitaminD3 @Johncdvorak There's some expert MD doctor interviewed on the radio last week swearing he takes 20,000 IU a day & not only does that have no detrimental effects but since D3 is precursor to the construction of hundreds of chemical compounds in the body, one sees dramatic overall health improvements of all kinds since there's finally enough to go around.
New post by Dr. Fuller
#autoimmunedisease #dementia #VitaminDeficiency #VitaminD3
New post by Dr. Fuller
#autoimmunedisease #dementia #VitaminDeficiency #VitaminD3
Jetzt für die dunkle Jahreszeit: #VitaminD3
Meist in #Europa hergestellt aus dem Schweiß von Schafen (Wollwachs/Lanolin). Die Herstellung ist recht unkompliziert und mir ist kein Pestizidproblem bekannt. Auch die etwas aufwendigere Alternative in #vegan aus Flechten oder Algen sollten recht gut ohne Pestizide auskommen.
Bei dem ergänzenden #VitaminK2 sieht es etwas anders aus. Der Rohstoff ist meist Geraniol/Farnesol (aus Rosen/Zitronengras mittels Synthese) oder Soja/Kichererbsen (Fermentation). Hier ist es nicht einfach ein pestizidfreies und regionales Mittel zu finden.
Ich habe jetzt mal das probiert:
Sieht sehr widerlich aus und riecht streng, ist aber recht neutral im Geschmack. (Gibt es auch als Kapseln)
Fermentiert in Polen aus europäischen #bio Sojabohnen.
Ich werde es wahrscheinlich nicht dauerhaft essen, da ich meine K2 Versorgung zumindestens teilweise über Sojajoghurt und Sauerkraut decken werde. Aber als Ergänzung finde ich es super.
#nahrungserganzungsmittel #bio #vitamink2 #vegan #europa #VitaminD3
@siobhanmitchell there is my cue to resume salmon 2x/week, and shellfish weekly for the selenium and iodine.
I supplement all the nutrients you mention, plus vitamins C and K2.
the ignominy of my #VitaminD3 hashtag use leads me to believe few take an interest.
Nimmt ihr in der #Winterzeit zusätzlich #VitaminD zu euch? Wenn ja, wie geht ihr für euch sicher, dass die Qualität des #Supplement stimmt? #winterdepression #winterblues #VitaminD3
#winterzeit #vitamind #supplement #winterdepression #winterblues #VitaminD3
I bought immune system boosters today. I had an 2-way educational brief chat with the proprietor. He says more people should know about these.
As I lose my age-cohort friends to kidney disease and cancer, I post this in case it is used by some who'll be my replacement good friends:
- #glycine (Medical Science Journal Abstract here)
- #VitaminD3 (Article here)
If you knew this already, consider exploring a connection with me; you seem wise.
Kurzer Reminder: Denkt an eure Vitamin D3 Supplementierung. Nicht nur für Veganer:innen wichtig in der aktuellen Jahreszeit. #vegan #vitamind3
The #sunshine #vitamin and you: Here’s why you need #vitaminD3