At #VivaTech2022, Commissioner @ThierryBreton announced that the European #NewSpace ecosystem will benefit from 2⃣ new tools to further grow and thrive🚀:
➡️ The #CASSINI Space Business Incubator
➡️ The #CASSINIMatchmaking Initiative for space startups, corporates & investors
#VivaTEch2022 #NewSpace #CASSINI #CASSINIMatchmaking
RT @defis_eu: At #VivaTech2022, Commissioner @ThierryBreton announced that the European #NewSpace ecosystem will benefit from 2⃣ new tools to further grow and thrive🚀:
➡️ The #CASSINI Space Business Incubator
➡️ The #CASSINIMatchmaking Initiative for space startups, corporates & investors
#VivaTEch2022 #NewSpace #CASSINI #CASSINIMatchmaking
RT @Guidelab: @defis_eu in #VivaTech2022
🚀 @ThierryBreton launching the #Cassini matchmaking with 40 space startups & 20 private investors
🚀speed-dating with 20 start-ups & @EUeic @EIB @EU4Space
🚀pitches of great start-ups & growing interest of VCs
🚀 fabulous team & lots of fun
RT @UEfrance: "Le marché européen 🇪🇺 est le plus grand marché numérique du monde 🌍
Toutes les entreprises y sont les bienvenues, à condition qu'elles respectent nos règles" - @ThierryBreton
RT @ThierryBreton: Europe is the place to be for #space entrepreneurs!
🛰1st matchmaking with space startups, corporates & investors, as part of €1B CASSINI initiative
🚀Launch of Space Business Incubator
🌊Announcement of CASSINI Maritime Competition to fight plastic waste
RT @defis_eu: CASSINI Matchmaking launch event - #VivaTech2022
Ravi d’avoir échangé avec des étudiants de @centralesupelec, mon alma mater 🎓
Quand startupper rime avec ingénieur(e)!
RT @UEfrance: "Le marché européen 🇪🇺 est le plus grand marché numérique du monde 🌍
Toutes les entreprises y sont les bienvenues, à condition qu'elles respectent nos règles" - @ThierryBreton
Europe is the place to be for #space entrepreneurs!
🛰1st matchmaking with space startups, corporates & investors, as part of €1B CASSINI initiative
🚀Launch of Space Business Incubator
🌊Announcement of CASSINI Maritime Competition to fight plastic waste
With 450 million citizens, the 🇪🇺 is the biggest democracy in the world.
It’s a fact — and it’s a responsibility.
We have been the 1st continent to regulate our digital space.
We are now offering entrepreneurs & startups the largest single market in the 🌍
RT @ThierryBreton: Europe is the place to be for #space entrepreneurs!
🛰1st matchmaking with space startups, corporates & investors, as part of €1B CASSINI initiative
🚀Launch of Space Business Incubator
🌊Announcement of CASSINI Maritime Competition to fight plastic waste
"Ce qui est interdit hors ligne doit aussi l'être en ligne ❌
C'est l'objet de nos deux textes réglementant l'espace numérique : le #DSA et le #DMA" - @ThierryBreton
#DSA #DMA #VivaTech #VivaTEch2022
"Le marché européen 🇪🇺 est le plus grand marché numérique du monde 🌍
Toutes les entreprises y sont les bienvenues, à condition qu'elles respectent nos règles" - @ThierryBreton
RT @defis_eu: CASSINI Matchmaking launch event - #VivaTech2022
RT @defis_eu: CASSINI Matchmaking launch event - #VivaTech2022
RT @defis_eu: CASSINI Matchmaking launch event - #VivaTech2022
CASSINI Matchmaking launch event - #VivaTech2022
CASSINI Matchmaking launch event - #VivaTech2022
RT @defis_eu: CASSINI Matchmaking launch event - #VivaTech2022
CASSINI Matchmaking launch event - #VivaTech2022