is usually credited with ’s magical demise. She encased the magician in a tree, where he still lives today. Or perhaps she just bewitched him so that he believed he was encased. The location of Merlin’s prison-tree is usually given as the legendary forest of in .
Source: P. Monaghan `Encyclopedia of and `
RT @CineLore
Viviane and Merlin by Gustave Dore (1832 – 1883)

Merlin was entombed in a tree by Viviane aka Nimue aka the Lady of the Lake although other sourc…

#Viviane #merlin #broceliande #brittany #celtic #mythology #folklore

Last updated 2 years ago

is usually credited with ’s magical demise. She encased the magician in a tree, where he still lives today. Or perhaps she just bewitched him so that he believed he was encased. The location of Merlin’s prison-tree is usually given as the legendary forest of in .
Source: P. Monaghan `Encyclopedia of and `
RT @CineLore
Viviane and Merlin by Gustave Dore (1832 – 1883)

Merlin was entombed in a tree by Viviane aka Nimue aka the Lady of the Lake although other sour…

#Viviane #merlin #broceliande #brittany #celtic #mythology #folklore

Last updated 2 years ago

The lover of the great magician Merlin, may be the same figure who appears in some legends under the name Nimue, who may in turn be the mysterious Lady of the Lake, protector of king . Viviane is usually credited with Merlin’s magical demise.

Source: P. Monaghan `Encyclopedia of and `
Fotocredit: 1. Neu-Kelte

#fairy #Viviane #arthur #celtic #mythology #folklore

Last updated 2 years ago


: The power behind Arthur`s throne was Merlin/Myrdinn, creating and maintaining the fair realm of Camelot. He never died but lives on somewhere in the where he was trapped by his lover, the queen or sorceress (sometimes

#celtic #FairyTaleTuesday #otherworld #fairy #Viviane

Last updated 2 years ago