🔊 #NowPlaying on KEXP's #ElSonido
Vivir Quintana:
🎵 Te Mereces Un Amor
#nowplaying #ElSonido #VivirQuintana
🔊 #NowPlaying on KEXP's #VarietyMix
Vivir Quintana & Mare Advertencia:
🎵 Árboles bajo el mar
#nowplaying #VarietyMix #VivirQuintana #MareAdvertencia
🔊 #NowPlaying on KEXP's #MiddayShow
Vivir Quintana & Mare Advertencia:
🎵 Árboles bajo el mar
#VivirQuintana #MareAdvertencia
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#nowplaying #MiddayShow #VivirQuintana #MareAdvertencia
Femininities from all over Greece, members of the Greek Open Orchestra sing a Greek version of the Mexican "Canción sin miedo" (Song without fear). The song was written by Vivir Quintana as a dedication to the victims of femicide in Mexico and South America in general, the hideous crime that is on the rise in Greece too. #CancionSinMiedo #VivirQuintana #KamiaMoni #AnoixthOrxhstra
Via @thepressproject
#kamiamoni #AnoixthOrxhstra #CancionSinMiedo #VivirQuintana