Do you want to visualize specific trends or patterns in your data? Try plotting a subset of your data in R!
Here are some examples:
đ Plot a subset of the mtcars dataset that contains only cars with a horsepower of greater than 150.
đ Plot a subset of the iris dataset that contains only setosa flowers.
đ Plot a subset of the mpg dataset that contains only cars from the United States.
I encourage you to try plotting a subset of your data in R.
#DanDaDan continues to be a đĽ read, every volume. #Viz shoukd really fast track the translations, I can't get these fast enough. The art is effortlessly cool, with a whole array of outfits and moods for every character, and the story keeps tugging you along. Silly & dire events
Looking at this, it looks like I've been reading a LOT of comics lately, but you should see my "to read" piles! #comicbooks #Marvel #Viz #indiecomics #image #Spawn #SavageDragon
#savagedragon #spawn #Image #indiecomics #Viz #Marvel #comicbooks
I haven't read Zom 100, but this anime preview definitely has me interested!