An excellent Flemish Community Day to all our Flemish friends!
🦁 Fijne 11 juli. Fijne Vlaamse Feestdag!
#vlaamsefeestdag #11juli
En ce 11 juillet, je souhaite une bonne fête de la Communauté flamande aux citoyens du nord du pays 🇧🇪 Een prettige #VlaamseFeestdag ! Continuons à travailler et trouver ensemble les solutions les plus pertinentes aux problèmes réels d’aujourd’hui et de demain de nos concitoyens.
RT @MireFerran: On July 11 1302 the people of Flanders won the French army at the Battle of the Golden Spurs (Kortrijk). In 1973, the date was chosen to be the date of Flanders Day.
Aan alle mijn vrienden Vlaamingen een Fijne Vlaamse Feestdag!
#VlaamseFeestdag #11juli #VlaanderenFeest
#VlaamseFeestdag #11juli #VlaanderenFeest
RT @ANC_Ireland: ⬛️⬜️ Happy Flemish Day to all our sisters and brothers from #Flanders. #Catalonia will remember your support when suffering the worst Spanish repression in years. We hope to keep working together for national liberation of peoples in Europe.
#Flanders #catalonia #11juli #VlaamseFeestdag
RT @ecrgroup: From the ECR Group to all the Flemish people across Europe and the world, we wish you a very festive and happy Flemish Community Day!
🦁 Fijne Vlaamse Feestdag!
From the ECR Group to all the Flemish people across Europe and the world, we wish you a very festive and happy Flemish Community Day!
🦁 Fijne Vlaamse Feestdag!
RT @josepalay: Avui Bruges celebra la Diada Nacional de Flandes i el seu convidat d’honor és el President Carles Puigdemont @KRLS que farà un parlament a la Sala Gòtica de l’Ajuntament en un acte presidit pel batlle de Bruges.