Another hashtags for the above:
#voc #VolatileOrganicCompounds #michigan
We did a thing:
Working on the interactions of #plants and #insects, particularly floral #VolatileOrganicCompounds (#VOCs )?
Interested in adding a #macroevolution -ary perspective with the help of #phylogenetics ?
Perhaps our #review and #guide could serve as a good entry-point!
With Breanna Sipley, Mariana Braga, Yan Yang, Roberto Rebollo, and Pengjuan Zu. Check them out for more exciting stuff!
#evolution #ecology #methods #pollination #herbivore #coevolution
#plants #insects #VolatileOrganicCompounds #VOCs #macroevolution #phylogenetics #review #guide #Evolution #ecology #methods #pollination #herbivore #coevolution
I'll do a real #Introduction later. Have some random hashtags instead:
But also:
#introduction #AtmosphericChemistry #AtmosChem #StableIsotopes #StableIsotopeGeochemistry #AirSensors #AirQuality #AirPollution #VolatileOrganicCompounds #VOCs #ClumpAllTheThings #Methane #GreenhouseGases #SulfurMIF #Photochemistry #Formaldehyde #HCHO #MassSpectrometry #GasChromatography #Spectroscopy #pfas #Ozone #NitrogenDioxide #NAAQS #AirToxics #KORUSAQ #UWFPS #LMOS #LISTOS #LongIslandSound2023 #MIT #Neurodiversity #DisabilityJustice