@bookstodon seven of my favourite current SFF authors...impossible but here goes:
#MarthaWells (Raksura!)
#OctaviaButler (esp Dawn)
#AnnLeckie (Provenance is underrated)
#VondaNMcIntyre (R.I.P.)
(and sneaking in one more author as they've just had the one book so far #ShelleyParkerChan)
#marthawells #octaviabutler #annleckie #nkjemisin #ChinaMieville #rebeccaroanhorse #VondaNMcIntyre #shelleyparkerchan
@bookstodon seven of my favourite current SFF authors...impossible but here goes:
#MarthaWells (Raksura!)
#OctaviaButler (esp Dawn)
#AnnLeckie (Provenance is underrated)
#VondaNMcIntyre (R.I.P.)
(and sneaking in one more author as they've just had the one book so far #ShelleyParkerChan)
#marthawells #octaviabutler #annleckie #nkjemisin #ChinaMieville #rebeccaroanhorse #VondaNMcIntyre #shelleyparkerchan