Not to pick nits, and God love ya', but you, #JoeBiden, grew up 20 years before the Gipper pitched #TrickleDownEconomics (which #GeorgeBush dubbed #VoodooEconomics to American voters.
So, kind of have to call 🐂💩.
#joebiden #trickledowneconomics #georgebush #VoodooEconomics
@HopeVanDyne @TonyStark @Cassandra @MJ @Karoli
#VoodooEconomics according to #BushSr, who signed on as #VP anyway that led to #BushJr starting an unjustifiable #ForeverWar with a country that had no hand in a #Terrorist attack on our country on 9/11 but was a reasonable excuse to fund the #MilitaryIndustrialComplex.
Every bit of which was justified by #Reagan's #CowboyForiegnPolicy and #AmericaFirst precursor.
#americafirst #cowboyforiegnpolicy #reagan #militaryindustrialcomplex #terrorist #foreverwar #bushjr #vp #bushsr #VoodooEconomics
Voodoo Economics 8
Die Voodoo Crew diskutiert den Streik der ErntehelferInnen in Bornheim, Arbeitskampf, den Dow Jones, die Aufstände in den USA, die Rückkehr der Guillotinen u.v.m.