RT @parents4future@twitter.com
"With thousands of other people across Europe, I demand the #EU to exit the #EnergyCharterTreaty & #voteDowntheECT in the council." - @adelaidecharli2@twitter.com
Join us: https://caneurope.org/exitect/
#ExitECT @CANEurope@twitter.com @PowerShift_eV@twitter.com #NoECT
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/parents4future/status/1580156934182694913
#eu #energychartertreaty #VoteDownTheECT #ExitECT #noECT
RT @parents4future@twitter.com
"Get out of the #EnergyCharterTreaty! Across Europe, we're calling on governments to take action against this monstrosity of a treaty. #VoteDownTheECT" - @Luisamneubauer@twitter.com
Join us: https://power-shift.de/exit-ect/
#NoECT #ExitECT @PowerShift_eV@twitter.com @CANEurope@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/parents4future/status/1580157511109201922
#energychartertreaty #VoteDownTheECT #noECT #ExitECT
RT @parents4future@twitter.com
"Today I & thousands of people across Europe are asking our governments to exit the #EnergyCharterTreaty & #VoteDownTheECT in the Council." - @AnunaDe@twitter.com
Join us: https://caneurope.org/exitect/
#NoECT #ExitECT @CANEurope@twitter.com @PowerShift_eV@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/parents4future/status/1580157979340713984
#energychartertreaty #VoteDownTheECT #noECT #ExitECT
RT @foeeurope: BREAKING indeed! 🥳👏
After Italy, Poland and Spain, the Netherlands is now also choosing to #ExitECT
Who will be next? France, Germany and Slovenia, we're looking at you 👀
#ExitECT #NoECT #VoteDownTheECT
RT @foeeurope: 🙌👏 BIG NEWS ALERT 🙌👏
Spain is pulling out of the #EnergyCharterTreaty, minister @Teresaribera confirmed to @POLITICOEurope
Last week, Poland voted to withdraw from the climate-wrecking #ECT
🌊 Do you see a wave coming?
#VoteDownTheECT #ExitECT #NoECT
#EnergyCharterTreaty #ECT #VoteDownTheECT #ExitECT #NoECT
Raus aus dem #EnergyCharterTreaty! In ganz Europa rufen wir Regierungen auf, gegen dieses Monstrum an Vertrag vorzugehen. #VoteDownTheECT
#energychartertreaty #VoteDownTheECT
RT @ecologistas: También lo dice @GretaThunberg y no es la única. Somos miles de personas y organizaciones en Europa las que exigimos a nuestros gobiernos que voten en contra de la modernización del TCE. ¿Te sumas?
Manda un mail a 🇪🇸 🇫🇷🇩🇪: https://caneurope.org/exitect
Botschaft auf allen Kanälen: Raus aus dem ECT, #ExitECT, #VoteDownTheECT, #NoECT
Analyse der Reformergebnisse
#kampagne #powershift #noECT #VoteDownTheECT #ExitECT
Hallo liebe Minister und Bundeskanzler, haben Sie meine 📩 erhalten?
Der #EnergyCharterTreaty ist ein großes Risiko für unser Klima. Deutschland und die 🇪🇺 müssen so schnell wie möglich aussteigen.
#VoteDownTheECT im 🇪🇺 Rat.
@BMWK, @c_lindner, @OlafScholz
#energychartertreaty #VoteDownTheECT #noECT #ExitECT