RT @cliodiaspora@twitter.com
#VoteForMeToo is trending. Here’s what started it all. Watch all of the stories (at least 100k people already have on various platforms), read the tweets and keep sharing your own. Help give millions without a vote a voice in #GE2019.
🗳 And go vote!
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/cliodiaspora/status/1205058638307581952
RT @cliodiaspora@twitter.com
Less than 12 hours have passed since I launched #VoteForMeToo to help make the voices of the millions disenfranchised in #GE19 heard a little. Going by the hatefest in my inbox I must have enormous power, being a “foreign whore interfering in this election”, apparently. 1/
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/cliodiaspora/status/1201426086288142336
RT @v_theresa@twitter.com
Been #inLimbo for more than 1200days & now not being able to vote in the #GE19 sucks.
If you’re able to vote please #VoteForUsToo ❤️
Thanks a lot @cliodiaspora@twitter.com Loads more people who are deeply grateful for all you do than horrible haters🙏🏻 https://twitter.com/cliodiaspora/status/1201426086288142336
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/v_theresa/status/1201551348543770624
#inlimbo #ge19 #VoteForUsToo #EUCitizensChampion #VoteForMeToo