Sinema announcement is about enriching herself. It's putting lobbyists on notice that her vote is up tor sale #Arizona #Sinema #Democrats #VoteherOut
#VoteHerOut #democrats #sinema #arizona
Boebert unlawfully used campaign $ to fund Shooters, aka Sliders. In ’19 Sliders lost $143K. In ’20 $226K. In ’22 Boebert lost Sliders.
And she's on the budget committee for OUR House! #VoteHerOut
Check him out!
#FreshResists #ONEV1
#VoteHerOut #FreshResists #ONEV1
It doesn't matter that Marjorie Taylor Greene's husband is divorcing her.
It ABSOLUTELY matters if Georgia divorces her.
Oh, you mean her occasional my vote won't actually affect the outcome either way so my party is allowing me to vote with Dems for the sake of appearances vote. I call that her PR vote.
Her other classic is the VanPelt vote - where she spends days& weeks wringing her hands, clutching her pearls& making wish-washy sound bites that make it seem like she'll vote against party -until the votes are counted.
I think these are the only two moves Susan has, though I'd love to see Massachusetts voters teach her a new one- #GTFO