The abject capitulation of Anas Sarwar.
Spineless, gaslighting, unreliable, untrustworthy. Just like his boss Keir Starmer.
"Sarwar's decision to roll back on his principled support for the #GRRBill - given to [Labour's Scottish] members during his leadership election - shows exactly where the power within [Labour in Scotland] lies - with his bosses at Westminster."
What is the point of UK Labour in Scotland?
#VoteLabourGetTory #optionalidentitymark #grrbill
Beth Winter, Labour MP, Cynon Valley seems to be a sincere politician.
But she seems to believe Brown's latest iteration of fandan federalism is a credible way forward to a "cleaner, greener socialist future."
#broontervention #brigadoonbroon #VoteLabourGetTory
@TheNational @MadeyeTheCarnaptious Labour are taking a salary for doing nothing. #VoteLabourGetTory
@TheNational "Labour to ABSTAIN on SNP cost-of-living crisis committee vote".
Following his "article" today, some reminders of Starmer's new "hard #Brexit" constituency in England, courtesy of The Daily Express.
#scottishindependence #youyesyet #brexitlabour #VoteLabourGetTory #brexit
"[Daily] Express readers deserve their politicians to be clear about where they stand. So let me spell it out simply. Britain's future is outside the #EU.
* Not in the single market,
* not in the customs union,
* not with a return to freedom of movement,
writes Sir Keir Starmer."
May 31, 2023
#youyesyet #brexit #VoteLabourGetTory #eu
So "Scottish" Labour has released the last minute attack dogs on the LEZ in Glasgow, despite having voted for it?
What a joke.
#Skwawkbox | #Wirral, #Banbury, #Hastings: #Labour colludes with #Tories and hard right to freeze out popular #Greens
#VoteLabourGetTory #greens #tories #labour #hastings #Banbury #Wirral #SKWAWKBOX
Starmer is on Radio 4 indicating he's going to ditch yet another commitment, this time to abolish tuition fees in England.
“On the big issues, from Brexit to denying Scotland’s democracy, and now on reforming the archaic Westminster voting system, Labour are indistinguishable from the Tories."
"The self-branded party of change... [is] mimicking Tory policy every chance it gets to ensure the status quo of the Westminster establishment is preserved."
Mhairi Black MP in @TheNational - "Labour 'mimic Tories to back status quo' as Keir Starmer rejects election reform".
@eadingas So, basically Labour's three red lines are exactly what Putin's pals funded the blue tories to force through?
Starmer is tattooing ‘no deal with SNP’ on forehead but is happy to do deals with Tories in Scotland, helping them into power. #ScottishIndependence rids us of anti Scottish foreign based politicians. #YouYesYet #VoteLabourGetTory #DissolveTheUnion
#DissolveTheUnion #VoteLabourGetTory #youyesyet #scottishindependence
The brass neck of Labour can be seen from space. They have no shame. #NeverTrustLabour #VoteLabourGetTory #DissolveTheUnion
Labour for the last 110 years: “We’re going to abolish the House of Lords.”
Labour earlier this year: “Here we go, stand by for Lords reform.”
Labour on Monday: “Actually, we are only going to talk some more about reform.”
Labour Today: Ex-MP joins the House of Lords
#DissolveTheUnion #VoteLabourGetTory #nevertrustlabour
“ if we are elected to power, we will have a mandate to carry that out”. So believes in winning elections to deliver mandates, except in Scotland when the do just that. #VoteLabourGetTory #YouYesYet?
@JackTheCat Sir Keech has reneged on so many election promises I don't believe a word he says. #VoteLabourGetTory
Man from London claims the tide is turning in Glasgow because his favourite political party managed to HOLD a seat on a 23% turnout. Desperate claim at success really. #NeverTrustLabour #VoteLabourGetTory #nevertrustfoulkes #DissolveTheUnion
#DissolveTheUnion #nevertrustfoulkes #VoteLabourGetTory #nevertrustlabour