RT @CASOSvote@twitter.com
UPDATE: CA voters have cast 11,822,758 ballots! This includes vote-by-mail ballots and in-person ballots cast, and represents more than half of active, registered voters in the state! Find an early voting location near you and #VoteEarly today: http://CAEarlyVoting.sos.ca.gov #VoteSafeCA
RT @CASOSvote@twitter.com
UPDATE: 1,511,522 Vote-by-mail ballots have been returned in California! At this time in 2016, this number was around 150,000. Make sure you make a plan to #vote & #voteearly! Track your ballot here: http://Wheresmyballot.sos.ca.gov #VoteSafeCA #VoteCalifornia
#vote #voteearly #VoteSafeCA #VoteCalifornia