Local elections in the UK this week.
#VoteTactically #localelections
Complete guide to voting in UK elections (hack FPTP)
1) Go here. Prevent Tory above all.
2) Also use SwapMyVote to increase value of your vote.
Q. But I like a party that can't win?
A. That's why you use #SwapMyVote as well as #VoteTactically. Can pressure parties to adopt #ElectoralReform. But ALWAYS vote tactically under #FPTP
Q. But I'm uncertain about party leaders?
A. You're not voting in leaders. Only voting in YOUR constituency area.
#swapmyvote #VoteTactically #ElectoralReform #FPTP
RT @knit1slip1psso@twitter.com
This is the route to right wing governments… #ToryBritain #voteTactically to get rid of them. https://twitter.com/nannycrin/status/1614748432954015745
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/knit1slip1psso/status/1614825898481434624
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if, after the next #GeneralElection The Tories were not only not in power, but weren’t even the official opposition either.
That scenario is possible, we just have the #VoteTactically !
#GeneralElection #VoteTactically
RT @SydesJokes@twitter.com
#ProgressiveAlliance #TacticalVoting #VoteTactically #NeverVoteConservative #GTTO
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/SydesJokes/status/1597736692781584386
#progressivealliance #tacticalvoting #VoteTactically #NeverVoteConservative #gtto
Dear UK citizens in my timeline: If nobody should have asked you yet, please visit https://tactical.vote/ #VoteTactically and help to #ToriesOutDecember2019
#VoteTactically #ToriesOutDecember2019