Is the #TrumpVirus more dangerous than windmill cancer?
I wonder who Trump can blame for his own stupidity?
Can the Senate block a #Pencedemic?
Indiana HIV outbreak under Pence.
Thought & Prayers GOP idiots.
#TrumpVirus #Pencedemic #votebluenomatterwho #VoteThemOut2020
Republicans the shameful party of bigots with no balls to stand up to their leader! #shameful #NotMyPresident #VoteThemOut2020 #SenateGOPCoverup #GOPCowards #RIPGOP #GOPCorruptionOverCountry #Republicans #RIPAmerica #BlueTsunami2020
#shameful #notmypresident #VoteThemOut2020 #SenateGOPCoverup #GOPCowards #RIPGOP #GOPCorruptionOverCountry #republicans #RIPAmerica #BlueTsunami2020
Please support #progressives whether they are challenging republicans or corporate Dems.
We need to have a #Congress that works for US!!
Please donate to support their campaigns.
#Election2020 #Bernie2020 #VoteThemOut2020 #VoteBlueToSaveAmerica #MedicareForAll #GreenNewDeal
#greennewdeal #MedicareForAll #votebluetosaveamerica #VoteThemOut2020 #Bernie2020 #election2020 #congress #progressives