Are there any apps or sites that can help identify what brands/items donate to what politicians? #VoteWithYourDollar
I'm declaring a personal economic sanction against Australia, New Zealand, Germany and Austria, as well as products made in California, Michigan and NYC. #FuckTyranny #VoteWithYourDollar #VoteWithYourWallet
#FuckTyranny #VoteWithYourDollar #votewithyourwallet
I just told a vendor that I'd prefer to add to their money pile directly, rather than buying their products from Amazon.
Despite it not being "how they do things", they agreed to do business directly with me and without my having to support Jeff Bezos a all!
Always ask, people often will help you do the right thing...even when it is different than the default thing they are doing.
#VoteWithYourDollar #truetalesofacircusadmin