"The law requires the creation of an additional district that affords Black Alabamians, like everyone else, a fair and reasonable opportunity to elect candidates of their choice. The 2023 Plan plainly fails to do so." #VotingMatters #BlackLivesMatter
#blacklivesmatter #VotingMatters
"Will you stand and support the rule of law that protects our citizens and institutions? Will you insist that those who represent you do the same? If they don’t, are you willing to vote them out of office?" Time to put up or shut up! #VotingMatters
"Ohioans sent a clear message to elected officials that blatant attempts to consolidate power and thwart the will of the people is not good politics." #VotingMatters #RegisterToVote #GetOutTheVote #VoteBlueEveryElection #VoteBlue2024
#VoteBlue2024 #voteblueeveryelection #getoutthevote #registertovote #VotingMatters
Let's try to remember this next year and every election thereafter. https://hartmannreport.com/p/why-cant-i-vote-for-cornell-west-665
To make it easy to contact your elected officials, take a few minutes to set up a Contact entry on your phone. You can find your officials here: https://www.usa.gov/elected-officials
I have the phone numbers for our Senators all the way down to County Supervisor. Here’s a screenshot of mine. #vote #VotingMatters #ElectionsHaveConsequences #democracy
#vote #VotingMatters #ElectionsHaveConsequences #democracy
What's going on in your state? #VotingMatters #SavePublicLibraries State Sen. Dan Sullivan (AK), pledged to use the next state legislative session to "strip funding for any library in the state that is affiliated with the American Library Association."
#savepubliclibraries #VotingMatters
#ohiovoted #ohio #issue1 #voting #VotingMatters #onepersononevote #majorityrule
This is no time to sit out elections or vote for one of those 3rd-party grifters without a snowball's chance in hell of getting elected. #VotingMatters #RegisterToVote #GetOutTheVote
#VoteBlueToProtectOurRights #BidenHarris2024 #ExpandTheCourt
#ExpandTheCourt #bidenharris2024 #votebluetoprotectourrights #getoutthevote #registertovote #VotingMatters
@TonyStark just remember, if voting didn’t matter then why are fascists trying so hard to keep everyone but white straight rich Christian guys from voting? Vote like your civil rights depend on it because they do. Vote like the fufutre of the earth depends on it because it does. Vote like your life and the lives of your loved ones depend on it because they do. VOTE. #VotingMatters
Maybe not but we sure as hell are going to try! #VotingMatters #VoteBlueIfYouWantToLive
We Cannot Out-Organize Voter Suppression - Democracy Docket https://www.democracydocket.com/opinion/we-cannot-out-organize-voter-suppression/
#voteblueifyouwanttolive #VotingMatters
What's going on in your state? #VotingMatters
#SeparationOfChurchAndState #TaxTheChurches
#TaxTheChurches #separationofchurchandstate #VotingMatters
Now *this* ... is a rebuttal. 😂😂
RT @rootwoman123
She finally got one thing right! #VotingMatters #VoteBlue
@Strings70 IKR? I can't understand why people aren't furious! I was talking to a guy in my local market about it the other day - he's had every virus going for the last three months. All he did was moan about the NHS and when I asked why people keep voting Tory when they know this is what they do, he said "well they're all the same, aren't they, Labour wouldn't be any different"!!! He doesn't vote. 😡😡 #VotingMatters #SOSNHS #ToriesOut #UKPolitics #EnoughIsEnough
#enoughisenough #ukpolitics #toriesout #SOSNHS #VotingMatters
They have the utmost contempt for you. And this is what they think of you, The People. Never ever believe that voting doesn’t matter. You are seeing the proof that it matters being laid bare right before your very eyes. #SpeakerVote #voting #votingmatters
#VotingMatters #voting #speakervote
#Legalization #Cannabis #VotingMatters
Legalization of cannabis was up for a vote in Maryland, Missouri, Arkansas, North Dakota, and South Dakota. It only passed in Maryland, Missouri, and some cities in Texas .It is almost like there is qualitative difference between the parties
#VotingMatters #cannabis #legalization
I'm Canadian therefore have no skin in the game but I do hope my American counterparts voted today.
More importantly I hope they voted to maintain bodily autonomy as well ensuring that no other candidates like Hershel Walker or Dr. Oz actually get voted in because they are not fit to hold any kind of power.
#roethevote #votingmatters #staytruevoteblue #nototheredwave #politics #freedom
#freedom #politics #nototheredwave #staytruevoteblue #VotingMatters #roethevote
Utah live election results can be viewed here: https://www.kuer.org/politics-government/2022-11-08/election-2022-utah-full-results
#voting #vote #election #politics #elections #votingmatters #democracy #votingrights #electionday #govote #ivoted #Utah #KUER
#voting #vote #election #politics #elections #VotingMatters #democracy #votingrights #electionday #govote #ivoted #Utah #KUER
#Seattle: return your ballot by November 8, and #Vote Yes on Question 1 and vote for Proposition 1B on Question 2 to introduce ranked choice voting! #YesOn1B #RankedChoiceVoting #VotingMatters
Also check out the Progressive Voters Guide — in addition to #Washington state, there’s one for #Arizona, #California, #Colorado, #Georgia, #Michigan, #Pennsylvania, #Virginia, and #Wisconsin:
#seattle #Vote #YesOn1B #rankedchoicevoting #VotingMatters #washington #arizona #california #colorado #georgia #michigan #pennsylvania #virginia #wisconsin
US Senator Patty Murray is up for re-election, and her opponents have really come out of the woodwork. For the record, Patty Murray is a great progressive senator, and should be re-elected. #waelex #p2 #WashingtonState #vote #VotingMatters #VoteLikeYourLifeDependsOnIt
Just check out this ridiculous ballot:
#waelex #p2 #WashingtonState #Vote #VotingMatters #VoteLikeYourLifeDependsOnIt