Question for anyone out there taking #ADHD meds. Specifically #Vyvanse / #Elvanse
Been taking it since April and haven't increased my dose at all. Iβm not sure if I need to consider it. I know once the meds are therapeutic they're less noticeable but idk.
Biggest thing is it feels like all side effects, including dry mouth (which seemed most prominent) go away by the afternoon. I often get tired by 2pm, but rebound and feel a smaller return of focus until the evening. Is this normal?
I just had to eat at Coffee Club because I had forgotten to eat because #Vyvanse and I was about to keel over. Goddammit, the price was reasonably ok, the food was decent and the coffee was really very good. I hate this place and I wanted to keep hating it and now I canβt.
#Vyvanse is back ordered at the pharmacy and they don't know when they'll receive any. What other medications are in short supply these days, and why?
Began my day at 5:45am with usual 200mg #Pristiq and commenced #Vyvanse 30mg. Oddly reassured by name of pharmaceutical company, #Takeda. Thank you interest in Japanese history for this irrational positive bias.
I followed this with my standard breakfast of 1 double shot flat white on BonSoy, muesli with fresh apple and BonSoy, then another double shot flat white on BonSoy.
No notable interaction between #SNRI and stimulant medications so far but slightly bitter taste in my mouth; a quick interweb search tells me this is not uncommon for Vyvanse.
#pristiq #Vyvanse #takeda #snri
12 years of #Pristiq at 200mg/day will - after recent review and evaluation - be augmented with #Vyvanse from tomorrow, starting at 30mg/day.
Adult diagnoses for Aspergerβs (2010) and #ADHD is curious, if not bittersweet β¦ if only for teenage or adolescent diagnosis. If only for early treatment and therapy; the family of origin is what it is and so it was not to be.
Will this new pharmacological scaffolding around my brain be effective? How will it interact with the #SNRI I currently take? Time will tell I guess; I hope to no longer misplace quite so much of it.
@papalpenguin I wish I could blame my #Vyvanse prescription for staying up all night, but I take it first thing in the morning. The brain. He never shuts up, sadly.
Absolutely wild how #Vyvanse affects appetite. I'm not surprised it's now approved for combating binge-eating in the US.
I've got it for #ADHD, and one of the key side effects is reduced appetite. Which I'm fine with, given I'm about 40kg overweight, but it does mean I need to make sure I remember to eat!
It's 12:30pm, I've had two coffees and no food today, and I feel fine (would likely be different without the milky coffees, obviously). I've had days where I make it to dinner time without trouble, either physically or mentally. Well, no obviously observable problems, anyway.
Very glad though to no longer be experiencing any compulsion to eat/snack/binge outside of meal times.
fluffy rambles: I spoke too soon #FluffyRambles #Vyvanse #ADHD
fluffy rambles: Vyvanse continuing #FluffyRambles #Vyvanse #ADHD
fluffy rambles: Vyvanse, day 1 #FluffyRambles #Medication #Vyvanse #ADHD
#adhd #Vyvanse #medication #FluffyRambles