The #N6NFI repeater in Palo Alto, CA is especially convenient to me because it shares a frequency and a PL tone with #W8UM and so I don't have to adjust my radio at all to use it when I am here in California.
Nice #QSO with #K1OKS on that repeater earlier this evening re the logistics of connecting to local repeaters when you're traveling. #RepeaterBook helps, as does having a radio with a good interface for retuning on the fly.
Next up: try to tune a local DMR repeater without a code plug!
#repeaterbook #k1oks #qso #W8UM #n6nfi
So good to hear from Ohio and Steve @W8HF on the 145.23 #W8UM repeater - there is evidently a bit of a band opening from SE Michigan to NE Ohio, Steve came in on Echolink but heard himself coming back via RF.
date 2022-12-31
2m 145.23 fm
2200 w8hf
(hm, should I log this as "fm" or as "digitalvoice", it was FM on my side....)
Washtenaw County (Ann Arbor MI area) holds a weekly Amateur Radio Public Service Corps net at 830p ET Sunday on the 145.15- #N8DUY (#Skywarn) repeater.
Once a month after the regular net there's a simplex net on a clear frequency - this month we used 146.44.
Net was a success - #W8SRC net control could hear nearly everyone from the #W8UM station. I was pedestrian mobile in a park about 2 mi from #W8UM using a 4W Kenwood TH-22AT and was still copyable by many!