‘Beached whale in Wapping / His armpit hairs are sprouting…’
#FallFriday #waa!
‘I’m going to Spain / Cousin Norman had a real fine time last year / He said it doesn’t rain / I hope I can quickly learn the language yeah…’
#FallFriday #waa!
Im Bayern der 80er Jahre habe ich als 8-jährige meine ersten Erfahrungen mit Tränengas und Polizei gemacht.
Wir waren wohl eine viel größere Gefahr als so ein Aiwanger 🤷
#Wackersdorf #WAA
‘Clicky shoulders make we wince…’ #FallFriday #waa! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rmQpnfSVs1U
‘And take your fleecy jumper, you won’t need it any more,
It is in the car boot moving away…’
#FallFriday #waa!
‘She left the moors behind her,
And the beige heather…’
#FallFriday #waa!
‘No rabbit hutch about it / I bought it off the Baptists / I get their bills / And I get miffed / At the damp polyester fills…’
This week’s #FallFriday marks the 22nd anniversary of my long-suffering partner and I taking possession of our forever home. (I played this song more than a few times that day!) #waa!
‘No rabbit hutch about it / I bought it off the Baptists / I get their bills / And I get miffed / At the damp polyester fills…’
This week’s #FallFriday marks the 22nd anniversary of my long-suffering partner and I taking possession of our forever home. #waa!
‘You maladjusted little monkey, you, you, you, you, you…’
#FallFriday #waa!
‘Micro-plastering, micro-plastering, micro-plastering…
To fix the bathroom cistern ,
That spot in the room he cannot find…’
#FallFriday #waa!
‘They said you were of peasant stock,
And one day the curia murdered you…’
#FallFriday #waa!
‘Two Librans high and low in mind
To Oprah Winfrey
She studied bees…’
#FallFriday #waa!
‘Hey, hey, hey… Vanity and presumption!’ To mark my TENTH ANNIVERSARY #FallFriday, let’s go back to where it all started! #waa! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i90EMCj98es
My first ever #FallFriday tweet, in the unlikely event you’re even remotely interested… https://twitter.com/friendsofdarwin/status/350597604536614912
‘I’m lost in music / Caught in a trap / And there’s no looking back…’
#FallFriday #waa!
‘And there’s no thanks / From the loading bay ranks…’
#FallFriday #waa!
(Film im BR Fernsehen)
"Während die Bayerische Staatsregierung in aller Stille den Bau einer atomaren Wiederaufbereitungsanlage plant und der strukturschwachen Region wirtschaftlichem Aufschwung verspricht, kommen dem Landrat Schuierer zunehmend Zweifel." Politdrama nach wahren Begebenheiten, sehenswerter Abspann!
Video verfügbar:
bis 17.06.2023 ∙ 23:55
#WAA #Wackersdorf
#WAA #Wackersdorf #akw #Kernkraft #atomkraft
‘Beached whale in Wapping,
His armpit hairs are sprouting…’
#FallFriday #waa!
‘B1s hostile / Sublimated enmity to C2s / Bump into each other and jolt…’
#FallFriday #waa!
#FallFriday #waa!
‘You maladjusted little monkey, you, you, you, you, you!’
#FallFriday #waa!