RT @w3c_wai: On #GAAD learn what #W3C #WAI is up to in May 2022. Get news & upcoming publications. You can contribute -- be one of the "we". See:
--> What We're Working On
--> https://www.w3.org/WAI/update/
#a11y #accessibility #WCAG #ARIA #COGA #EPUB
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EU_opendata/status/1527195438004293632
#GAAD #w3c #WAI #a11y #accessibility #WCAG #aria #COGA #epub
RT @AI4EU: 📢💥@women_in_ai & @AISweden are launching the #WAI@WORK report which provides insights on how to attract & retain women in #AI.
✅Analyses from 200 respondents give employers ideas on supports for their women employees to thrive in the orgs.
⏬ Report👇