We have some exciting changes at WAISN! #WAISN Dep. Director, Catalina Velasquez will be transitioning to Executive Director alongside Brenda Rodriguez Lopez as we return to a co-executive model.
Catalina will lead WAISN in fostering growth as a community-informed + centered org. She has played a pivotal role in restructuring our membership model + spearheaded the Health Equity Coalition that fought for & won a Medicaid-like program for all immigrants in WA. 🧵1/4
On this #SuperheroDay, our #WAISN Comms Manager, Nazibah Chowdhury, reflects on how her queer identity empowers her to claim her bodily autonomy in the face of white supremacy, imperialism, and capitalism. Read her powerful reflections ↘️
All immigrants in WA state need access to permanent, codified health coverage programs. #WAISN is proud to be working with our #HEIC Campaign partners Columbia Legal, ACLU Washington, Asian Counselling and Referral Service, Northwest Health Law Advocates, Legal Voice and community advocates who worked tirelessly to secure this victory for WA immigrants. (4/End)
TONIGHT, we’re joining @SEAindivisible to phone bank WA State Senators to secure healthcare for all regardless of immigration status. Join the #WAISN team here in calling #WAleg: https://tinyurl.com/HEIC-2023 5/6
#WAISN believes the right to a living wage is a non-negotiable human right, yet WA immigrants’ lives are on the line working without access to #unemployment benefits due to their #immigration status. Urge the Appropriations & Ways & Means Committees to grant hearings now! 2/END
#WAISN #unemployment #Immigration