Back on the air on 2 meters mobile (in the car) this evening. Happily, #WB8TKL was also mobile and we had a short QSO.
It had been kind of a long time since I had been on the air, but amazingly enough the Ni-MH batteries in my old Kenwood HT still held their charge. Making a point to recharge them back to full tonight.
ARROW (Washtenaw County Michigan / #AnnArbor area, #EN82 ) annual meeting tonight at the Saline library. Election of officers, plans for next year's meetings, white elephant gift exchange. Thanks to Steve #N8LBV the outgoing technical coordinator, and congratulations to Jay #WB8TKL the incoming technical coordinator.
It was a hybrid meeting (in person and Zoom), and I have a suspicion that the Zoom participants got a less than awesome meeting out of it. It was good to see people in person.
#WB8TKL #n8lbv #EN82 #annarbor