RT @AmyKDWall@twitter.com
Yesterday was World Day of Remembrance for road traffic victims. My daughter became one of those statistics 5.5 yrs ago due to a dangerous truck driver.His impatience stole everything from us. She deserved her life. Please drive safely. #WDoR2022
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/AmyKDWall/status/1594623077274771457
🚗🛑 In 2020, there were 43 road fatalities per million inhabitants in the EU.
Highest rates in:
🇵🇹Alentejo (135)
🇫🇷Guadeloupe (124)
🇫🇷Guyane (115)
Lowest in:
🇮🇹Valle d’Aosta & 🇫🇮Åland (no road deaths)
🇸🇪Stockholm (5)
🇦🇹Wien (6)
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EU_Eurostat/status/1594690222763171841
RT @goSnotrac@twitter.com
We'll be holding a press conference at Snohomish County's most fatal intersection shortly at 11 a.m. to remember those in our county who have died in traffic collisions and to emphasize the continued need to address this issue.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/goSnotrac/status/1594763991095836672
#SnoCo #worlddayofremembrance #WDoR2022
On the #WDoR2022 ride I led yesterday, @bikestuffpdx had cameras rolling when one of us was hit. The bird site has the video up. https://twitter.com/BikePortland/status/1594555145190539265
Mark is doing okay but we are all shaken.
I wrote something. Not sure about Mastodon long threads, but I'll find out now.
I was right behind Mark because I was leading the bicycle ride to World Day of Remembrance. Usually, as ride leader, I stay in front. But because Mark pressed the crosswalk stop signal, he had rolled in front of me.
RT @CathyTuttle@twitter.com
Shoes in front of City Hall represent each of the 189 precious people who died on Seattle streets since the city adopted #VisionZero in 2015.
@SNGreenways@twitter.com ED @GordonOfSeattle@twitter.com calls on City & @MayorofSeattle@twitter.com to act quickly & boldly to get Vision Zero back on track.
#WDoR2022 https://twitter.com/Jrock08/status/1594716126524891136
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/CathyTuttle/status/1594721751946362881
In #NYC , #WorldDayofRemembrance memorial set aside to remember those who have been impacted by #TrafficViolence , a staffer of the #safestreets group organizing, #transalt was a victim of traffic violence while #cycling to the event. #bike #NYCbike #Infrastructure #WDoR2022
221 people have died this year in NYC as a result of traffic violence (Was 190 in 2019) Over 40,000 traffic violence incidences this year. https://crashmapper.org
#WDoR2022 #infrastructure #nycbike #bike #cycling #transalt #safestreets #TrafficViolence #worlddayofremembrance #nyc
On the group bike ride to today's #WDoR2022 in Portland, BikeLoud PDX Treasurer Mark was a hit by a person speeding thru a red light at Division & 118th. Mark was flung from his bike. He's bruised & shaken, but he's okay. His bike is totaled. A bus driver & another car driver at the scene shared their camera footage of the crash.
The person driving raced away, but a bike person in our group chased them down. This incident was too small to show up in PDX Police Log.
Our streets are failing us.
Στην εκδήλωση του @soste_gr για την Παγκόσμια Ημέρα Μνήμης Θυμάτων Τροχαίων #WDoR2022 μίλησα για την Έκθεση για την Οδική Ασφάλεια που εισηγήθηκα και υπερψηφίστηκε στο ΕΚ και τον ευρωπαϊκό στόχο για μηδενικές απώλειες ως το 2050 #VisionZero @SYRIZAEP
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/ElenaKountoura/status/1594423662806937601
Προσκεκλημένη ομιλήτρια στην εκδήλωση για την Παγκόσμια Ημέρα Μνήμης Θυμάτων Τροχαίων συγκρούσεων με την Δήμαρχο Αγ. Δημητρίου Μαρία Ανδρούτσου και τον ειδικό Αναστάσιο Ιαβέρη Μαρκουίζο. #WDoR2022 #RememberSupportAct
#justice #VisionZero #RoadSafety
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/ElenaKountoura/status/1594420355757637632
#WDoR2022 #RememberSupportAct #justice #VisionZero #RoadSafety
RT @SIGNtweeter@twitter.com
On #WDoR2022, we remember the 1.35 million people killed and more than 20 million injured each year in traffic accidents. SIGN Surgeons provide critical post-crash care for people like Magloire from #Benin.
#Love30 #StreetsForLive #roadsafety #SIGNSolution
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/SIGNtweeter/status/1594344820776046595
#WDoR2022 #Benin #love30 #streetsforlive #roadsafety #signsolution
We do NOT want MORE victims to remember,we want to live our lives TOGETHER! #WDoR2022
@soste_gr @FEVRorg #justice #RememberSupportAct
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/ElenaKountoura/status/1594413665750392832
#WDoR2022 #justice #RememberSupportAct
I'm heading out to lead a BikeLoudPDX ride to #WDoR2022. World Day of Remembrance for Road for victims of traffic violence.
Event is Sun Nov 20 1pm at 122nd & Powell, put on by a coalition of groups supporting #FamiliesForSafeStreets.
There've been 129 deaths by #TrafficViolence in Portland in the past 2 years.
In the past 24 hours, Police reports were filed on 26 "Accidents" including six Road "Injuries" and five "Hit & Runs".
Our streets are failing us.
#crashnotaccident #WDoR2022 #familiesforsafestreets #TrafficViolence
Great to see a majority of #BoulderCityCouncil at the World Day of Remembrance for traffic victims last night.
#bouldercitycouncil #WDoR2022 #itcouldbeme
RT @sforzalast@twitter.com
Sarebbe tutta un’altra vita. @marilur1@twitter.com @MelogNicoletti@twitter.com @fabbog@twitter.com @nadiaferrigo@twitter.com su #Specchio @LaStampa@twitter.com #WDoR2022
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/sforzalast/status/1594239204883587074
"We remember the loved ones we lost to fatal collisions. We support those whose lives will never be the same. And we pledge to act to avoid these unnecessary tragedies in the future."
@EUAmbSchmidt on World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/Transport_EU/status/1594269328488079360
Heute ist "Welttag des Gedenkens an die Opfer von Verkehrsunfällen und ihren Angehörigen".
In vielen Staaten finden Veranstaltungen statt, in Deutschland, soweit ich sehe, keine.
I dag er Verdens minnedag for trafikkofre.
Tenn et lys for alle vi har mistet I trafikken.
#norsktut #allheim #wdor2022 #verdensminnedag #Trafikk
#Norsktut #allheim #WDoR2022 #verdensminnedag #trafikk
This Sun. Nov. 20 at 4PM, stand in solidarity with those who have been directed affected by traffic crashes at #WDoR2022.
World Day if Remembrance - meet at 4:00 PM on the steps of #SanFrancisco City Hall.
This Sunday marks World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims 😢
I am asking 🙏 you all to Reblog so maybe Please God we can get an impression for every beautiful life lost on our Roads in Ireland 24816
and My 3 Precious Beauties in the UK 😘 🙏 #LifeIsPrecious #WDoR2022
My first post here. I am so happy to be here. In honor of World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims #WDOR2022 this Sunday, I am linking to a conversation between my wife Amy Cohen, National Safety Counsel president, and Secretary Pete Buttigieg: https://www.nsc.org/newsroom/nsc-usdot-families-for-safe-streets-fireside-chat
For more info about #WDOR2022 in the US: https://worlddayofremembrancefss.org