“We can be whatever we have the courage to see” - Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
Isn’t it time that 🏴 could visualise how the #WFGAct could better our lives, how it can create a collective, inclusive & positive future?
#cymru #Wales #wellbeing #wellbeingeconomy #WFGAct
The #Wellbeing of Future Generations Act - #WFGAct
Public bodies need to be independently accountable to it, & the public need to understand how it enables a positive future, to demand it!
Politicians - “all know what to do, but we don’t know how to get re-elected once we have done it.” - Jean Claude Juncker
#ClimateAction #WellbeingEconomy @ktrebeck #FutureGenerations #politics #climatecrisis - #Wales
#Wales #climatecrisis #politics #futuregenerations #wellbeingeconomy #climateaction #WFGAct #wellbeing
2/2. Mae yna lawer o werth cymdeithasol mewn prynu bwydydd natur lleol o safon, gydag arian cyhoeddus. Mae’n galluogi system fwyd leol gref, a’r economi gymunedol. #WFGAct
Galluogi sofraniaeth bwyd lleol, rhoi blaenoriaeth manwerthu iddo ar y Stryd Fawr leol
#agroecology #food #community #WellbeingEconomy #Health #Cymru #climateaction
#climateaction #cymru #health #wellbeingeconomy #community #food #agroecology #WFGAct
1/2. There is a lot of social value in buying quality local nature positive foods, with public money. It enables a strong local food system, and the community economy. #WFGAct
Enable local food sovereignty, give it retail priority on the local High Street
#agroecology #food #community #WellbeingEconomy #Health #Wales #climateaction
#climateaction #Wales #health #wellbeingeconomy #community #food #agroecology #WFGAct
@willpenrievans cyfarwyddwr Cynhadledd Ffermio Rhydychen cyflwynodd Jane Bryngwyn - cyn Weinidog Amgylchedd Llywodraeth Cymru, i siarad am Ddeddf Llesiant Cenedlaethau'r Dyfodol #Cymru
@willpenrievans Will Evans director of Oxford Farming Conference introduced Jane Bryngwyn - the former Welsh Government Environment Minister, to talk about #Wales ' Wellbeing of Future Generations Act #WFGAct
Will talks about why he increased tree cover on his farm https://youtu.be/tQOut9Qqfvo
#agroforestry #ofc #WFGAct #Wales #cymru
@willpenrievans cyfarwyddwr Cynhadledd Ffermio Rhydychen cyflwynodd Jane Bryngwyn - cyn Weinidog Amgylchedd Llywodraeth Cymru, i siarad am Ddeddf Llesiant Cenedlaethau'r Dyfodol Cymru
@willpenrievans Will Evans director of Oxford Farming Conference introduced Jane Bryngwyn - the former Welsh Government Environment Minister, to talk about Wales' Wellbeing of Future Generations Act #WFGAct
Will talks about why he increased tree cover on his farm https://youtu.be/tQOut9Qqfvo
Some say we have run out of time to help our #futuregenerations. But I, personally don’t find that a helpful space. I refuse to been born to ecological complexity, and be submissive about its 50 years plus collapse.
Below is a photo of my daughter, from 15 years ago, with some photoshop editing.
I hold on to the remaining grains of sand.
#WFGAct #Wales #WellbeingEconomy #Photography #DigitalArt #ClimateAction
#climateaction #digitalart #photography #wellbeingeconomy #Wales #WFGAct #futuregenerations
Building cities to enable a communities inclusive health & #wellbeing whilst mitigating the nature & climate crisis.
#Wales under the #WFGAct our Local Authorities should be 100% up to speed on building future urban living. Localism, all services & requirements sit close to you. A short walk, bike ride, or free green public transport ride away. Where first most logical footfall is prioritised. @nicw
MR @BrentToderian 👉 https://mastodon.online/@BrentToderian/109606196913013439
@nspugh this is good news, Derek is a good man with good values and a great record at Cwmpas - I work very with one of his teams and they are the best, most professional and driven people out there.
#WFGAct successfully delivered looks like, for me, the public and workers knowing what it is, what it means for them and the young people around them, and how they and their organisations align with it.
It will require all policies and branches of Welsh and UK government to understand it too
@dyfrig people will always follow self-interest, but self interest can be really reciprocal especially when community is enabled around it. I agree about targets, especially things like #netzero where those targets are not accountable, or false, e.g biomass being classified as renewable replacing coal power stations, or, carbon planting schemes having little scrutiny over lifetimes. Nothing beats emissions reduction, or the #WFGAct both independently accountable.
@dyfrig I really don’t think those that are in positions of power, of everyday decision making, where the #WFGAct needs the most understanding, is anywhere near up to speed. E.G Local Authority planning committees, and how councils are way behind the curve of rapid Transition thinking. As in, what does thriving community climate, and ecological resilience look like, how do you deliver it, without being compromised by economic pressures.
Second Future Gen #Cymru Commissioner appointed
What does the #WFGAct look like successfully delivered?
Where is the nuance, the greater good for our Future Gen Cymru when an abuser has poisoned minds with lies, spin & propaganda, polarised society for a rich mans off-spring to inherited a dead rock.
Mae Cymru'n meiddio bod yn wahanol, a wir yn cyflwyno'r #WFGAct ar lawr gwlad.
#Cymru #Wales #FutureGenerations #politics #poverty #climatecrisis
#climatecrisis #poverty #politics #futuregenerations #Wales #cymru #WFGAct
We’re all screwed
So don’t tell us that
We can imagine a healthy future
Because the reality is
It’s too late to fix the climate crisis
And we don’t trust anyone who says
We need to demand a livable planet
Because we don’t have a choice
(Now read this bottom up)
Patagonia’s broader “Buy Less, Demand More,” campaign around #BlackFriday
Optimism or cynicism? I know my preferred space.
#Climate #ClimateAction #Nature #FutureGens #WFGAct #Wellbeing #storytelling #photography
#photography #storytelling #wellbeing #WFGAct #futuregens #nature #climateaction #climate #blackfriday
@Eceni @ZLabe Wales has the #WFGAct - few understand what it would look like, if successful.
What’s the authentic picture that appeals to common values that’s been co-produced with for 3rd Sector for visible endorsement, & agreed collaborative communications - share power. How can you deliver inclusive wellbeing, climate resilient, biodiversity restorative community, unless all understand the destination?
Is all well with our Well-being of Future Generations Act? -
Does your local authority understand it, are they able to adhere to it, are they delivering it.
Where is its independent critical friend, with some teeth? #WFGAct
#climateaction #Wales #cymru #WFGAct
3/ @DrMarkLang co produced visioning to aid public and political buy-in & understanding, that illustrates what a successful #WFGAct looks like. How a successfully delivered Act has enabled ecological systems - human community & culture to thrive inclusively.
Is it enough to work with academics, social & environmental charities to co-produce a prolonged series of short public information films? #Storytellling Credible - transparent endorsement, that’s got agreed collaborative comms share power.
100 charities, economists, businesses and unions call for urgent transition to a #wellbeingeconomy https://www.weallscotland.org/post/letter-to-fm
#Wales #Cymru we have the #WFGAct but are we implementing it on the ground, do we have the vision, the leaders, the will, the understanding to deliver it?
#climateaction #culture #community #wellbeing #WFGAct #cymru #Wales #wellbeingeconomy
“If all #fossilfuels are not rapidly phased out, no amount of money will be able to cover the cost of the resulting #LossAndDamage. It's that simple. When your bathtub is overflowing you turn off the taps, you don’t wait a while and then go out and buy a bigger mop. #COP27 “ Yeb Sano - Greenpeace SEAsia
#Wales #Cymru act local think global, be leaders! Deliver the #WFGAct in every council!
#climate #WFGAct #cymru #Wales #cop27 #lossanddamage #fossilfuels
A New Local Economy For People & Planet http://www.nigelpugh.co.uk/-/galleries/blog/a-new-local-economy
I wrote this blog in 2017, the same issues have deepened. All #FutureGenerations our #nature could thrive if we collectively chose a more positive, collaborative & creative future.
Approximately 100 companies that serve an elite are responsible for 70% of all global emissions, did we choose this?
#Wales #Cymru has the #WFGAct but what are we collectively working towards… #ClimateAction?
#climateaction #WFGAct #cymru #Wales #nature #futuregenerations