Have been thinking about these been super interested in trying to paint one.
It seems like a huge project as been painting minis but lets see how it goes....
#warhammercommunity #darktide #WH40k
A game of Kill Team, Novitiates vs Heartkin Salvagers!
Super fun and a close game, Novitiates took the win with 11 vs 9 points. The last activation had a change to tie the game!
#warhammercommunity #killteam #WH40k
Metal mini collection grows as just got metal Warp spiders!
Have to give them a quick cleaning and cut the extra metal bits before painting.
#warhammercommunity #eldar #WH40k #aeldari
Had a second game of 40K Crusade yesterday! Currently 1 win / 1 loss.
I kinda like the idea of leveling up units and thinking the ganes more like a "journey" and less about just winning the match.
#warhammercommunity #eldar #WH40k #aeldari
Basing the eldar force with plastic plants! Also some ruined pieces made with milliput + roller. Will add some texture paint to ... give some texture...
Have to find some extra weapons as would like to magnetize the shoulder guns.
#warhammercommunity #eldar #WH40k #aeldari
The current terrain pieces done from the grey pile! There is still couple pipes and the buildings I will try to finish before the Kill Team match next week.
Should also get some Aeldari painted for the Crusade matches!
#warhammercommunity #killteam #WH40k #miniaturepainting
Was able to build all the units for the Crusade game. Wraithlord is still missing the shoulder guns but I hope thats ok as they will both be brightlances.
Thinking of having both the cloth and the waist plate, the manual suggests one or the other, what do you think?
#warhammercommunity #eldar #WH40k #aeldari
i remember finding out that #WH40k space marines called the Primaris transformation "crossing the Rubicon" and i was so confused why GW named it after a banger song from the VNV Nation album Empires.
Time to roll your own WH40k 10th units with the TCRepo exclusive PPTX Datasheet Template!
I made this one so, if you find any issues/improvements, shoot me a message & I'll try to address it
#tcrepoupdate #warhammercommunity #WH40k #warhammer40k
Added an Autarch model to my collection! Don't know if I jumped into the deep end but will have my first Crusade game of 40k 10th next week.
It will be my third game of 40k so will be interesting!
#warhammercommunity #eldar #WH40k #aeldari
Went with a gray wall colours, it kind has a blue shade? Added red details as used red on the other pieces too!
Used mostly drybrushing so it will be fast to finish rest of the walls!
#warhammercommunity #killteam #WH40k #miniaturepainting
Also adding cpuoke smaller pieces from Gallowdark sets! I Think they will be nice thematical lightcover pieces!
Still thinking if I should add some blue color to the two batteries?
#warhammercommunity #killteam #WH40k #miniaturepainting
Drybrushing metal + shade makes fast work of these pipes! I think the red gives a nice amout of colour to the pipe!
#warhammercommunity #killteam #WH40k #miniaturepainting
This thermo-exchanger is a cool piece of terrain! I think the colours work well with my Imperialis terrain so they can be mixed easily!
#warhammercommunity #killteam #WH40k #miniaturepainting
The plastic Wraithlord seems about the same size as this metal one. Might paint them both just for the fun of it!
Planning to magnetize the guns but I think flamers + claive + brightlances are the way to go?
#warhammercommunity #aeldar #miniaturepainting #WH40k
What would be the typical Squad Markings/Lore for an Intercessor Kill Team?
The Kill Team will often be 1/2 Normal 1/2 Assault Intercessors
That'd typically be from 2 diff Squads but you'd think a Kill Team sent on a special mission would have worked together frequently before
#warhammercommunity #warhammer #warhammer40k #WH40k
Got older today but more importantly got an wraithlord!
I now have all of the minis included in the combat patrol so can try that out! Maybe I should think about other wraiths too in the future? ( lets just get the current models done first...)
#warhammercommunity #aeldar #miniaturepainting #WH40k
Need more Flashpoint in your life? Checkout this complete #WH40k Flashpoint Campaign Pack by N3rfH3rd3r420!
#tcrepoupdate #WH40k #warhammercommunity #warhammer40k
Realized my friend also has these two buildings, so decided to aim to have these terrain bits painted for our up coming game!
The pipes are kinda fast as its mostly weathered metal.
#warhammercommunity #killteam #WH40k #miniaturepainting
My 40K short story ‘The Billion Skulls of Inquisitor Corvin Fane’ was a runner-up in the latest Cold Open Stories contest! 🥳 Check it out:
👉 https://40k.coldopenstories.com/the-billion-skulls-of-inquisitor-corvin-fane/
#WH40K #Warhammer40K
#warhammercommunity #WH40k #warhammer40k