@DrTedros ❤️👏👏😢
RT @WHO: @DrTedros "I am also humbled and honoured that Member States elected me for a second term"-@DrTedros #WHA75
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/NChildersMEP/status/1532635370457792512
RT @OneNeurology_@twitter.com
Prof. Claudio Bassetti, President @EANeurology@twitter.com, speaking now about the impact and prevalence of neurological disorders worldwide - something that he says has been made worse by #covid, with 1/3 of those affected facing neurological complications.
#OneNeurology #WHA75 #IGAP
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/OneNeurology_/status/1529150376204767240
#covid #OneNeurology #WHA75 #IGAP
2. Video of this morning’s #WHA75 election of China and others by acclamation. Not a single democracy spoke out to object. https://twitter.com/HillelNeuer/status/1530215669324730368
RT @EU_UNGeneva: Despite the obvious reality of the health emergency in Ukraine, Russia proposed at #WHA75 a resolution based on a twisted alternative reality. In this parallel world Russia bears no responsibility. WHA has rejected this cynical attempt to whitewash the war & sent a clear message.
RT @wateraid: Clean water, decent toilets and strong hygiene services have a critical role to play in preparing for pandemics.
Great to meet @sara_saracerdas @cristiansbusoi @kvanbrempt from EU parliament to talk investing in public health and strengthening health systems #WHA75
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/sara_saracerdas/status/1529819597041307652
RT @FranceONUGeneve: #WHA75 | La France 🇫🇷 , au nom de l’UE 🇪🇺, s’oppose à la « tentative cynique de la Russie de dissimuler la réalité d’une guerre » en présentant un projet concurrent au projet de résolution sur la situation sanitaire en #Ukraine soutenu par un groupe de 50 pays.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EU_UNGeneva/status/1529878818839834625
Despite the obvious reality of the health emergency in Ukraine, Russia proposed at #WHA75 a resolution based on a twisted alternative reality. In this parallel world Russia bears no responsibility. WHA has rejected this cynical attempt to whitewash the war & sent a clear message.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EU_UNGeneva/status/1529868749301764096
Justice prevails. In a strong sign of solidarity #WHA75 adopts a resolution condemning in the strongest terms Russia’s aggression against Ukraine 🇺🇦 which has caused a health & humanitarian crisis in a huge scale.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EU_UNGeneva/status/1529868499174170625
RT @EU_UNGeneva: Despite the obvious reality of the health emergency in Ukraine, Russia proposed at #WHA75 a resolution based on a twisted alternative reality. In this parallel world Russia bears no responsibility. WHA has rejected this cynical attempt to whitewash the war & sent a clear message.
RT @EU_UNGeneva: Justice prevails. In a strong sign of solidarity #WHA75 adopts a resolution condemning in the strongest terms Russia’s aggression against Ukraine 🇺🇦 which has caused a health & humanitarian crisis in a huge scale.
Após 2 anos de combate pandémico, os profissionais de saúde enfrentam um grande desgaste físico e mental. Precisamos de uma estratégia coordenada para salvaguardar a sua saúde mental.
Saiba mais sobre a missão do @EP_Environment @europarl_en à #WHA75 aqui: https://www.saracerdas.com/post/sara-cerdas-alerta-para-import%C3%A2ncia-da-sa%C3%BAde-mental-dos-profissionais-de-sa%C3%BAde
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/sara_saracerdas/status/1529734081440755712
RT @eloisetodd: 💫Great to meet @kvanbrempt
@sara_saracerdas @CristianSBusoi earlier today,official @europarl_en delegation🇪🇺 to #WHA75!
Looking forward to working with you on #COVID19 lessons learned +pandemic prep on Covid Special Committee, Industry+Environment Committees
Top story: @HHS_ASGA@twitter.com: 'Today, I met Deputy Minister Lee of Taiwan to discuss our robust health partnership. We continue to support Taiwan’s participation as an observer at #WHA75 and meaningful participation in the @WHO@twitter.com… , see more https://tweetedtimes.com/corey5048?s=tnp
Day 3 of the #WHA75, the EP delegation 👇
• meets with @LotteKnudsenEU
• exchanges with civil society
Civil society (@wateraid @PandemicAction @SaveChildrenLEB @ICRC @MSF) is key
• to get the right lessons learnt from Covid-19
• to cope with current & future health crises
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/TheProgressives/status/1529498166416101388
RT @TheProgressives: Day 3 of the #WHA75, the EP delegation 👇
• meets with @LotteKnudsenEU
• exchanges with civil society
Civil society (@wateraid @PandemicAction @SaveChildrenLEB @ICRC @MSF) is key
• to get the right lessons learnt from Covid-19
• to cope with current & future health crises
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/sara_saracerdas/status/1529498279800610816
From the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, we realized that to achieve a healthier, safer, and more equitable world we need a stronger @WHO, greater investments in healthcare, and better global systems and rules. #WHA75
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EU_UNGeneva/status/1529484732257411072
Day 3 (and last) of the @EP_Environment mission to the 75th World Health Assembly #WHA75 @WHO
- Meeting with Ambassador Lotte Knudsen;
- Meeting with civil society and NGOs.
@kvanbrempt @CristianSBusoi
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/sara_saracerdas/status/1529492487730999296
RT @hans_kluge: Pleasure to welcome members of @europarl_en to #WHA75 today, share the #COVID19 lessons learned, and build stronger collaboration across & between regions.
Parliamentarians are powerful advocates for investing in health & the health workforce to create an economy of wellbeing.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EU_UNGeneva/status/1529403691018616833
Dia 2 da delegação @EP_Environment na #WHA75
- Reuniões com os Diretores Regionais @OMS
- COVID-19 e lições aprendidas, o Programa de Emergências em Saúde da OMS e a resposta a futuras pandemias;
- NCDs;
- Evento sobre migração e saúde.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/sara_saracerdas/status/1529161838704861184
Day 2 of the @EP_Environment delegation at #WHA75
- Meeting with @WHO Regional Directors;
- COVID-19 and lessons learned, the WHO Health Emergencies Program and the response to future pandemics;
- NCDs;
- Event on migration and health.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/sara_saracerdas/status/1529161516003602432