I really feel like the proverbial squirrel when it comes choosing a game to run.
I had planned to run *Dragons at Dawn*, but after a week at a big medieval festival with people all around me in costumes, I feel all giddy to play *WHFRP* instead. Then we have that *Blood and Bronze* game I have planned in a week or two...
#ohshiny #WHFRP #bloodandbronze #dragonsatdawn #ttrpg
6. I love #13thAge (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/browse.php?filters=45211_0_0_0_0), #ShadowOfTheDemonLord (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/browse.php?filters=45587_0_0_0_0) and #WarhammerFRP’s second edition (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/browse/pub/54/Cubicle-7-Entertainment-Ltd/subcategory/179_4943/Warhammer-Fantasy-Roleplay-2nd-Edition). Choosing between them is like choosing between children… who you also don't play with. 🤔
I hear #WHFRP 4e is fairly close to 2e, but I’ve not had time to look into it, sadly, and it also strikes me as a bit premium-pricy anyway—not something I can do much anymore.
#13thage #ShadowoftheDemonLord #warhammerfrp #WHFRP #rpgaday #rpgaday2023 #SotDL #ttrpg
Unboxing the Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay Starter Set from Cubicle 7 Entertainment
#WHFRP #warhammerfantasyroleplay #ttrpg #RPGStarterSet
An Ubersreik Half-Dozen—A review of Ubersreik Adventures: Six Grim and Perilous Scenarios for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay published by Cubicle Seven Entertainment.
#reviewsfromrlyeh #rpgreview #rpgreviews #wfrp #whfrp #UKrpg #Warhammer
#ttrpg #ttrpgs
#reviewsfromrlyeh #rpgreview #rpgreviews #WFRP #WHFRP #UKrpg #warhammer #ttrpg #ttrpgs
We went out to the village of Mansk to pick up supplies. At least that was the plan. A thick, unnatural fog descends on us. We can’t even hear each other. I tried to feel for a tree, but can’t find anything. I stop and pray to Shallya, goddess of Mercy.
#ttrpg #warhammerfrp #WHFRP #shallya #sialebeouf
The German version of #WarhammerFantasyRP gives lengths converted to metric but with long distance tables done somewhat clumsily as "per 1,6 km" i.e. per 1 mile. So it'd be easy and work just as well to convert the few length tables in the rules yourself and lengths in adventures ad hoc as they come up.
Weights are not widely used as the system uses encumbrance points.
Money denominations are all over the place anyway (12 brass to a silver, 20 silver to a gold).
#warhammerfantasyrp #wfrp4e #WHFRP
Just added a couple more (#vtt style) map tiles to my ever-expanding library :)
Patreon post here (note that anyone can access it):
And the entire library here can be found here:
Hope you like 'em :)
#ttrpg #dnd #pathfinder #whfrp #rpgmap #dungeonmaps #vttmaps
#VTT #ttrpg #DnD #pathfinder #WHFRP #rpgmap #dungeonmaps #vttmaps
"Cold and damp and no path in sight. Damn. They could barely see fifty yards, and the fog was getting thicker by the minute. What was that? Footsteps? There was a whoosh and a sudden scream from the right as Wernher sank to the ground. From his gut protruded the most terrifyingly ugly arrow shaft Elsbeth had ever seen. Instinctively she dove for cover that wasn't there."
Northern Black Forest, 2022
#landscapePhotography #fog #pnpde #ttrpg #WHFRP #wfrp4e #Fotomontag #photoMonday
#landscapephotography #fog #pnpde #ttrpg #WHFRP #wfrp4e #Fotomontag #Photomonday
After the critical hit I took to the lower back (https://dice.camp/@neverless/109760162961643740), I'm now sick at home off work for the third week. At this point I'm starting to think the poultices of herbs, dung, and urine as described in the core rulebook might not work all that well. Also, at the next appointment I might ask my orthopedist how many advances he's actually put into the healing skill or if he just hoarded all the xp to invest in overpowered out-of-career combat talents.
Just saw yesterday's Cubicle 7 blog update for #WarhammerFantasyRP. Three supplements in the works currently:
- Lustria continent expansion
- Übersreik Adventures III
- Guide for Rogue and Ranger classes
Sounds great, though personally I'd prefer they allocate more resources to poor Mooman so he has a chance to catch up with the #FoundryVTT modules for everything already released.
#warhammerfantasyrp #foundryvtt #wfrp4e #WHFRP #warhammer #ttrpg #pnpde
"Reaching the edge of the treeline on top of the hill they could finally make out the watchtower in the distance. There were no torches or fires to be seen. No signs of greenskins. For all intents and purposes it looked abandoned. Was that a good thing?"
One of the first trips with my first #dslr, a #NikonD70 back in 2004. #PalatinateForest, southwestern Germany, most likely taken looking out from atop castle Trifels, not quite sure.
#dslr #nikond70 #palatinateforest #ttrpg #pnpde #wfrp4e #WHFRP #landscapephotography
After we finish up my Bloodwraith mini-campaign, my group is going to play Warhammer FRP (2e). But we are already looking at trying Pathfinder 2 after that.
I’m already contemplating what I’d play, and a fierce Kobold swashbuckler sounds fun.
Can’t really plan my Warhammer character since we are going random, roll three race/career combos and pick.
#ttrpg #BloodWraith #WHFRP #pathfinder #osr #opendnd
Game 15: Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 4th Edition
Core: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/m/product/248284?affiliate_id=1507682 (Affiliate Link)
I love the Old World & the quality of the Starter set is amazing, but we have struggled with how much there is to do to make characters (set does come with pregens) & just how many how many factors going into every interaction. I need to play more & I'm excited for the adventures, but running & remembering the rules has been tough
Starter Set: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/m/product/261941?affiliate_id=1507682 (AL)
#GTKM Get to Know Me from some of my favorite #ttrpg systems:
#TheBurningWheel #MouseGuard #Zweihander #rolemaster #runequest #Merp #ChivalryAndSorcery #NeoClassicalGeekRevival all #KevinCrawford games #symbaroum #Hackmaster 5e #BarbariansofLemuria #WHFRP #DuneRPG #trailofcthulhu #theonering #adnd #ryuutama, #GoldenSkyStories #AgainstTheDarkmaster #BlackbirdsRPG
#gtkm #ttrpg #TheBurningWheel #MouseGuard #Zweihander #rolemaster #runequest #Merp #ChivalryAndSorcery #NeoClassicalGeekRevival #kevincrawford #symbaroum #Hackmaster #BarbariansofLemuria #WHFRP #DuneRPG #trailofcthulhu #theonering #adnd #ryuutama #GoldenSkyStories #AgainstTheDarkmaster #BlackbirdsRPG
Plots Aplenty—A review of Rough Nights & Hard Days, the Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay scenario anthology by Graeme Davis published by Cubicle Seven Entertainment.
#reviewsfromrlyeh #rpgreview #rpgreviews #wfrp #whfrp #UKrpg #Warhammer #GamesWorkshop
#ttprpg #ttrpgs
#reviewsfromrlyeh #rpgreview #rpgreviews #WFRP #WHFRP #UKrpg #warhammer #gamesworkshop #ttprpg #ttrpgs
@Tim_Eagon I think you can pick up pretty much anything from #Modiphius and you'll have a vast collection of adventures to pick from:
#AchtungCthulhu #StarTrekAdventures #ConanRPG #FalloutRPG and more.
#Cubicle7 has plenty for #WHFRP and #Chaosium has you covered for #Runequest.
I think #NightsBlackAgents has quite a lot too.
#Modiphius #achtungcthulhu #startrekadventures #conanrpg #FalloutRPG #cubicle7 #WHFRP #chaosium #runequest #NightsBlackAgents
An invite to a masquerade frequented by the great and good of Ubersreik.
While the rest of the party was politicking. I stopped two attempts at spiking the nobility with warpstone - they really will snort anything.
I also volunteered to investigate strange goings on the roof...
Unfortunately, I, err, fell off.
On the brightside, I have been put up in a nearby mansion to convalesce.
Whilst, the rest of the party, fend off the skaven attack, I was trying to thwart. :D
Also @cubicle7 will be running games all weekend, https://gaelcon.com/what-to-expect-at-gaelcon/cubicle-7-at-the-con/#WarhammerAoS #DoctorandDalekd #Victoriana #WHFRP #Gaelcon #TTRPG #IrishGaming
#DoctorandDalekd #Victoriana #WHFRP #Gaelcon #ttrpg #IrishGaming
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay IV—A review of the fourth edition of the roleplaying game of ‘A Grim World of Perilous Adventure’ published by Cubicle Seven Entertainment.
#reviewsfromrlyeh #rpgreview #rpgreviews #Fantasy #WFRP #WHFRP #UKrpg #Warhammer
#reviewsfromrlyeh #rpgreview #rpgreviews #fantasy #WFRP #WHFRP #UKrpg #warhammer #ttrpg #ttrpgs
Our Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay Starter Set Review is live!
Find out what you get with this RPG beginner box from Cubicle 7 Entertainment and our thoughts on this box as long-time WHFRP fans.
#WarhammerFantasyRoleplay #WHFRP #Warhammer4e #TTRPG #RPGReview #StarterSet
#warhammerfantasyroleplay #WHFRP #Warhammer4e #ttrpg #rpgreview #Starterset